Cardiologist Questions Sweat

My father suddenly has symptoms like sweating and uneasiness. Could it mean something?

My father is 65 years old. Last night after dinner he started to have symptoms like severe sweating and uneasiness. What could this mean?

7 Answers

Sometimes those symptoms may mean that you may be having abnormal heart rhythms or even angina, which is a warning sign of a heart attack. You should be checked out for those symptoms.
These symptoms can be associated with different causes. If he continues to have symptoms following meals, it could be related to gastric ulcers or heart arrhythmias. Next time he has these symptoms, check his pulse and blood pressure as soon as possible.
This could be an angina equivalent, if he has risk factors, I would suggest for him to see a cardiologist to get a stress test.
Not uncommon, people with serious coronary artery disease display symptoms like sweating after efforts or after meal. I highly recommend cardiac evaluation for a person with similar symptoms, especially people at age close to your father when coronary artery disease tends to be common. Less likely causes such as hypoglycemia can always be considered, if heart disease is excluded.
Other than gastrointestinal cause as esophageal issue - cardiac ischemia must be strongly considered- sweating may be along with uneasiness may be a manifestation of coronary ischemia - an urgent cardiac workup is advised
Many times after dinner, the diaphragm can irritate the heart and cause palpitations, but I do recommend a cardiac workout (blood tests, echocardiogram, holter, and maybe a stress test), if not more.