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What are the symptoms of vertigo?

I have family members with vertigo, and I know that they can't really drive far because they get dizzy. What are some other symptoms of vertigo?

I keep getting blockages in my nostrils. Would I need surgery?

I frequently have nasal blockages. They usually settle on their own, but my doctors says that I may need surgery if they keep happening. Would I really need surgery?

Can anesthesia cause laryngospasm?

Can anesthesia put me at a risk of laryngospasm?

My ENT found a mass in my neck. What could it be?

During a recent exam, my ENT found a mass in my neck and drew fluid from it to send to a pathologist for testing. I'm terrified. What are some of the things this mass could be?...

Are there any complications in endoscopic sinus surgery?

I have been suffering from chronic sinusitis for more than two years. An ENT recommended that I should have endoscopic sinus surgery, are there any risks or complications with...

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