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What type of treatment is best for varicose veins?

I have varicose veins in my legs. What type of treatment is best for varicose veins?

How long do you stay in the hospital after varicose vein ablation?

I have varicose veins in my legs. How long do you stay in the hospital after varicose vein ablation?

Is vein ablation dangerous?

I want to fix varicose veins with a vein ablation. Is vein ablation dangerous?

How long are you radioactive after radiation treatment?

I will have radiotherapy. How long are you radioactive after radiation treatment?

What are the side effects of vein ablation?

I want to fix varicose veins on my legs with ablation. What are the side effects of vein ablation?

What activities to avoid after a radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy. What activities to avoid after radiotherapy?

Is vein ablation a safe procedure?

I want to fix varicose veins on my legs. Is vein ablation a safe procedure?

Can varicose veins be cured?

I have varicose veins in my leg. Can varicose veins be cured?

Can vein ablation fix varicose veins?

I have varicose veins. Can vein ablation fix varicose veins?

Can radiotherapy cause tiredness?

I feel very tired after radiotherapy. Can radiotherapy cause tiredness?

Is varicose vein treatment with ablation permanent?

I want to remove varicose veins from my legs with ablation. Is varicose vein treatment with ablation permanent?

How painful is radiation treatment?

I will have radiation treatment. How painful is radiation treatment?

What drinks to avoid after radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy. What drinks to avoid after radiotherapy?

How can I recover fast after radiotherapy?

I had radiotherapy 2 days ago. How can I recover fast after radiotherapy?

Can I cure varicose veins with vein ablation?

I have varicose veins in my legs. Can I cure varicose veins with vein ablation?

What foods should I avoid after radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy. What foods should I avoid after radiotherapy?

Can you live normal life after radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy for lung cancer. Can you live a normal life after radiotherapy?

What is the recovery from radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy for liver cancer. What is the recovery from radiotherapy?

How can I treat nausea after CT scan dye?

I had a CT scan with dye. I am nauseous. How can I treat nausea after CT scan dye?

Can radiotherapy cause serious side effects?

I will get radiotherapy. Can radiotherapy cause serious side effects?

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