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Can a heel spur pain go away on its own?

I have a heel spur and it hurts. Can a heel spur pain go away on its own?

Can heel pain be fixed with medications?

My heel hurts. Can heel pain be fixed with medications?

What is the best treatment for heel spur pain?

I have a heel spur and it hurts. What is the best treatment for heel spur pain?

What helps with a bunion on the side of the feet?

I have a bunion on the side of my foot. What helps with a bunion on the side of the feet?

What exercises help with ankle swelling?

My ankles are swollen. What exercises help with ankle swelling?

Can massage help after ankle dislocation?

I dislocated my ankle. Can massage help after ankle dislocation?

What is the fix for a heel spur?

I have a heel spur. What is the fix for a heel spur?

How can I deal with chronic ankle pain?

I have chronic ankle pain. How can I deal with chronic ankle pain?

Can ankle spur be healed?

I have an ankle spur. Can ankle spur be healed?

Can I exercise with an ankle sprain?

I sprained my ankle. Can I exercise with an ankle sprain?

Can a heel bunion be fixed?

I have a heel bunion. Can a heel bunion be fixed?

Can heel spurs be fixed with medications?

I have a heel spur. Can heel spurs be fixed with medications?

How long will my ankle dislocation hurt?

I dislocated my ankle. How long will my ankle dislocation hurt?

Can heel spur be cured?

I have a heel spur. Can heel spur be cured?

How long should you rest with a sprained ankle?

I sprained my ankle. How long should you rest with a sprained ankle?

How long is the treatment for a sprained ankle?

I sprained my ankle. How long is the treatment for a sprained ankle?

How long does it take for a cortisone shot to work on a heel spur?

I have a heel spur and want to get a cortisone shot. How long does it take for a cortisone shot to work on a heel spur?

What should I do my big toe nail is about to fall off

My toenail my big toenail is about to fall off I dropped a chair on it almost a week ago and it completely bruised under my toe I noticed some skin at the bottom of the nail and...

How do you get rid of a bruise on your ankle?

I bruised my ankle. How do you get rid of a bruise on your ankle?

Why does my Achilles tendon hurt?

Why does my Achilles tendon hurt?

Questions by Specialty

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