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Epilepsy and Alzheimers: interactions?

I'm 85 years old, I have memory loss, especially having words drop out in mid-conversation. TIAs when by-standers recognized inappropriate but non-threatening behavior and dialed...

What are the treatment approaches for treating older adults with depression?

My grandfather has depression. What are the treatment approaches for treating older adults with depression?

I am lightheadedness with high blood pressure and lack of sleep?

I am from lightheadedness for 2 months I thought it is common but it became worse please help me.

Non-heart attack?

I was sitting at home in the pm, I started feeling dizzy and felt I might pass out and called 911. They recorded my heart rate at 33 bpm, I came out of it and was fine - cause....

My 86 old neighbor fell and is injured?

My 86 year old neighbor fell down a scraped her arm looks pretty bad. Maybe took 2 layers of skin off. about 3-inch size, paramedics cleaned it and bandaged it up with neosporin....

Hiatal hernia?

I have a history of food being stuck. It's been going on for 4 hours, no food coming up now just saliva but feels still stuck. It's never gone to this level. I'm 70 years old,...

Is it safe to take more than 4mg of Galantamine? ( is 12 mg ok?)

I wanted to use Galantamine to help me get to sleep.

Embarrassing gas?

I have embarrassing smelling gas constantly. I have no life I’m stuck at home because I can’t go places because of gas. I’ve tried everything. My meds are metoprolol lisinopril...

Constant diarrhea?

I’ve been having diarrhea for almost 2 weeks now.

Combining Viagra with other medication?

Can I take Viagra with Finasteride, Accrete D3, Omeprazole, and Dihydrocodeine tablets?

When should I get a booster shot for Covid?

I am a very, very young active 80 year old. I had my Moderna vaccinations on 1/11/21 and 2/10/21. I tested positive for Covid the first week in October 2021 (mild) and got the...

Cataract surgery as catalyst for physical and mental decline?

I want to apologize in advance for the length of this post but I want to be as specific as possible. My 73 year old mother went in for cataract surgery about 4 weeks ago. Immediately...

Hip bone fractures?

My dad is 90 years old, he fell and damaged his hip bone. He can't move because he's in pain. The doctor's advice is to have an operation to put back the damaged bone. My family...

I have extreme gas - very smelly?

What can I do to diminish extreme gas that is offensive?

Bruised leg?

I walked into the corner of a table and severely hurt my thigh to the point that I was unable to walk. Though painful, the next day I could walk but noticed no bruise in the thigh...

PE and clots?

My father who is 86 years old, has a history of heart failure takes blood pressure and blood thinner medications was in the ER yesterday. He had a very swollen left leg from the...

Covid booster?

I've had 1 shot of Astra Zeneca (Mar. 15, 2021), then Moderna on June 5 as well as a 3rd Moderna on Aug 24. Should I also have the booster?

I'm worried about overcoming covid-19?

I'm 62 years old and have covid. When won't I have to worry anymore? I've had it for 9 days my oxygen levels go from 85 to 93 when I put on my oxygen it reaches 95. I have COPD...

What are the treatments for panic attacks?

I get panic attacks and want to treat them. What are the treatments for panic attacks?

I have a sore arm for six months after vaccination?

I'm a 64 year old female with no underlying medical conditions and take no medications. I had the first Pfizer vaccine in early May 2021, the second in late May. The first shot...

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