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Can you go to the emergency room for a STD?

I am a 28 year old male. I wonder if I can go to the emergency room for a STD?

Is nymphomania a real issue?

This is not actually about myself and I don't even know what is nymphomania until my best friend told me that her friend has this disease. I researched it on Google and I really...

Does therapy help kids process divorce?

My wife and I have mutually decided on divorcing. We are not sure the best way to tell our kids. Does therapy help kids process divorce?

Compulsive Sexual Behavior

I am a 66 year old female. I have been happily married for 46 years. I cheated on my husband with 2 different men. I am ashamed and my husband has problems now having sex with...

I caught my husband having an affair?

I have been married for 19 years and I caught my husband having an affair yesterday. The woman is only 25 years old. How do I forgive him for this? He wants to make it work....

Does couples counseling work?

I am thinking about going to couples counseling with my husband of 19 years. We have considered divorce several times in the last 3 months. Does couples counseling work?

How to fix our marriage and prevent divorce?

My wife of 22 years told me yesterday that she wanted a divorce. I know I haven't been the most present husband but I never cheated on her. I don't want to give up on our marriage...

Can being in an unhappy marriage qualify for occupational medicine?

I am a 48 year old male who is frustrated with my failing marriage and it is starting to affect my work. Does this qualify for occupational medicine treatment?

Will therapy help our broken marriage?

I caught my husband of 26 years having an affair with a younger woman and I can no longer look at him. I am so hurt and just feel anger all the time. However, I don't want to...

How can I help my daughter get over her breakup?

My 15-year old daughter broke up with her boyfriend and she is devastated. How can I help her get over it?

When is the right time to talk to my son about sex?

My son is 13 years old and I think that I should talk to him about sex, but don't know when the right time is. Any suggestions?

Is it normal to have low sex drive at 22?

I'm 22 and have a really low sex drive. My best friend says that this is weird at this age. Is it normal to have a low sex drive at 22?

Does my wife have a problem with fertility?

My wife and I have been trying to conceive for about a year and nothing has happened. Is my wife having problems with fertility?

What happens if a sperm count is low?

My husband has been diagnosed with a low sperm count. What happens now and how do we approach it?

How long after surgery can I have sex?

I'm a 22 year old girl and I had an appendectomy just last month (more like 4 weeks ago). How long after a surgery is it okay to have sex?

Do my partner and I need relationship counseling?

We've been together for over 10 years and nothing we do seems to help. We've been fighting over very small issues, almost constantly. Like what we're going to eat for dinner,...

How long after appendicitis surgery can I have sex?

I'm 19 years old, and I just appendicitis surgery 2 days ago. After how many months can I have sex?

Do you have to be married for couples therapy?

My boyfriend and I aren't married, but we're both considering couple therapy or counseling to work on our relationship. But we haven't heard of any non-married couples going to...

How successful is marriage counseling?

My husband and I have been at each other's throats, and at times, I just want to call it quits. But I love him, and I still want to try and make it work. The reason why we argue...

How would I know if I'm allergic to spermicide?

My boyfriend and I just started to use condoms that have spermicide on them. I've never had issues with condoms before, but with these, I've been experiencing itchiness and irritation...

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