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Why is my surgery stitch still not healing?

I had surgery on my ankle following a car accident, but the area of surgical stitches is not healing. What could be causing this delay?

How long is the recovery for a shoulder dislocation surgery?

While playing baseball, I dislocated my shoulder when I was pitching 4 weeks ago. I had surgery almost immediately after, and now I'm in recovery. I still have the sling around...

What is the solution for a calcaneal spur?

I have heel pain, and an ache in the calf nerve. An x-ray was done, which showed a calcaneal spur. How will this be solved?

What are the risks involved in back surgery?

I suffer with lower back pain and my doctor has suggested surgery. What are the possible risks involved in such a surgery? What should I consider before agreeing to this surgery?...

My mother needs to have knee replacement surgery. Would she be in a lot of pain afterwards?

My mom needs to have knee replacement surgery after falling on it pretty hard. Would she feel a lot of pain after it's done? What's the level of care that she would need afterwards?...

What would cause middle of the night severe knee pain?

I am a completely healthy and fit 32 year old- know knee, bone or joint problems. Over the last couple of months in the middle of the night I wake up with a stabbing, unbearable...

My mother's hips are paining ever since she had the hip joint replacement surgery. Will this be permanent?

My mother has severe pain in her hips, ever since she underwent hip joint replacement surgery. She is now unable to even walk normally. Will this become permanent?

How is a knee cap replacement surgery done?

What does it take to get knee cap replacement surgery done? Are there any risks involved in the same?

Sensitivity to Vibration

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and Fibromyalgia. For years I have suffered with sleep deprivation due to feeling vibrations when I sit or lay down. It could be...

Ankle pain post arthroscopic surgery

I had an arthroscopic debrident of my right ankle to fix issues with impingement syndrome. Now after approximately 5 years I am noticing pain and instability returning more frequently...

My mother underwent a joint replacement surgery. How long will the recovery take?

My mother is 68 years old and went through joint replacement surgery for her knee. How long is the recovery time for this? What should we do to help her?

Lab work done 10/09/17 showed my Absolute Lymphocytes @ 5738. This is not the first time they were high. I had one @ 5400 months before October. My...

I have had several Corticosteroid Lumbar injections, Kidney Infections, H Pylori & C-Dif prir years October 25,17 I had Surgery Lumbar FUSION.

partial vs full joint replacement

What is the difference between a partial and a full joint replacement? Does a partial one have to be done again later?

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