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What is the best treatment for concussions?

I am a 19 year old male. I want to know what is the best treatment for concussions?

Which gender is more likely to have speech issues?

I am a 31 year old male. I wonder which gender is more likely to have speech issues?

What causes facial ticks in children?

I am a 31 year old male. I want to know what causes facial ticks in children?

Why does my son stutter when he's anxious?

I am a 38 year old female. I want to know why does my son stutter when he's anxious?

Recent stuttering and body shakes?

About 3 months ago, I started stuttering and I never did before. It got so bad I almost get sick Body shakes at night. I can barely use my cell my hands are shaking. I have...

What causes adults to develop a stutter?

I am a 41 year old male. I want to know what causes adults to develop a stutter?

At what age do children's speech delays appear?

My 4 year old son has a lisp. I want to know at what age do children's speech delays appear?

Why do some people have speech delays and others don't?

I am a 32 year old female. I wonder why do some people have speech delays and others don't?

Can having tinnitus affect your speech?

I am a 29 year old male who suffers from tinnitus. Can having tinnitus affect your speech?

Can nerve damage cause behavioral issues in children?

I am a 40 year old female. I want to know can nerve damage cause behavioral issues in children?

Do kids with speech issues often have difficulty sleeping?

My 11 year old daughter has speech delays and trouble sleeping. Do kids with speech issues often have difficulty sleeping?

Can a speech delay be caused by a work injury?

My cousin has developed a speech delay after a head injury. Can a speech delay be caused by a work injury?

Is it normal for foster kids to have speech delays?

My husband and I are adopting a foster child and she has a speech delay. Is it normal for foster kids to have speech delays?

How are audiology and speech pathology linked?

I am a 34 year old male. I want to know how are audiology and speech pathology linked?

Why does the letter "L" affect your tongue more?

I am a 34 year old male. I want to know why does the letter "L" affect your tongue more?

Can dentures cause lisp speech?

I am a 67 year old male. I want to know can dentures cause lisp speech?

Gag reflex?

I have been learning Korean for a while now and plan to use it in my future for purposes and speak Korean to people here in America as well. At first, I didn't have these problems...

What speech issues can adults have?

I am a 29 year old male. I want to know what speech issues can adults have?

Trouble talking?

I have trouble talking, sometimes I can barely make a sound, and others I'm about 85% normal. I have mucus from my nose to my throat. I think my vocal cords are coated with mucus....

How long does it take to recover from a brain tumor?

My 4 year old son had a brain tumor removed 2 months ago. How long does it take to recover from a brain tumor?

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