Coping With The Physical Changes From Breast Cancer

Susan Mottram Breast Cancer

In May 2016 I had a routine Mammogram at the mobile unit nearest to my home. In a little over a week, I was invited to Worthing Hospital for a follow up appointment. At this point I had another mammogram, followed by an Ultrasound and then I had a Biopsy. Two weeks later I was told that I had Breast Cancer. I saw the...

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How has your body changed from your breast cancer? How have you managed these changes?

I am more aware of my body, I have more "aches". I give them a short time to go, then if they hang on, get them checked out.

What affect has your breast cancer treatment had on you, both physically and mentally?

Physically, I'm not as fit, I have to pace myself. Mentally, I will always have "it" sitting on my shoulder. Though I will try to get on with my life!

How did losing your hair affect your self esteem? How did you accept this change?

I accepted it, because I had to! I bought tubes and hats that toned with my outfits! My hairdressers were helpful, I used a special shampoo and conditioner to encourage hair growth.