My Diagnosis Story

Pamela Conner: My Diagnosis Story
Pamela Conner Ovarian Cancer

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What symptoms led up to your diagnosis?

Abdominal pressure and urinary urgency (I had to urinate all the time but nothing would come out). Also, back pain but I didn't realize that was related until months later. It just so happened that my yearly Gyn appointment was scheduled for only a few days after the first 2 symptoms started.

What tests did your doctor do, and what was this experience like?

I told my Gyn about the symptoms and she smiled and said it's probably nothing. Then, when she did the vaginal exam my doctor's smile disappeared. She said I had a mass and she wanted me to have a transvaginal ultrasound later that week. They got me in early the following week and found out I had a 13 cm mass on my right ovary. I was referred to a Gyn/Oncologist to remove the tumor via Laparotomy. If cancer was found they'd also do a total abdominal hysterectomy and remove both ovaries and tubes...but the chance it was cancer was less than 5%. I was 39 at the time. I really wasn't concerned since both doctors said the risk of cancer was so low. 

Upon learning about your diagnosis- what happened next?

When I awoke from surgery, I saw each nurse/doctor that came into my room had a badge that said 'Oncology' on it, but I decided not to jump to conclusions. None of them told me a thing. When my family was allowed in the room, I asked which surgery had been performed. No one answered. I turned to my husband and said, "What did they remove", he and my Mom burst into tears. All I said was "Don't worry Mom, everything will be OK". I know I was terrified but I had to be strong, I knew Mom needed me to be.

About 7 weeks later I went to get a second opinion and started chemo. It was harder than I ever expected.