How Your Life Has Changed with Parkinson's Disease

Anita Timms: How Your Life Has Changed with Fibromyalgia
Anita Timms Parkinson's Disease

I am a retired Phlebotomist age 67. I did have shaky days at work, but couldn't understand why. My Mother and Grandmother both had Parkinson's, but I have been told it's not hereditary.

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How did you learn that you had Parkinson's disease?

Kept waking my husband up at night shouting and thrashing about. Depression and tremors. Consultant did a DAT scan and it was confirmed. My Mother and Grandmother also had Parkinson's Disease

Now that you are diagnosed with Parkinson's, has the disease changed the dynamic between you and your family? In a good way or a bad way?

I am lucky to have a very supportive family. My little Granddaughter asked why do I shake so much, I tell her it's because I am so happy to see them.

What methods and strategies have you learned to cope with the challenges of the disease?

Use certain aids e.g. kettle cradle, raised toilet seats etc. Take meds on time. It is not a stigma to take antidepressants as your brain is depleting Serotonin as well as Dopamine.