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Dr. Julius Moore, M.D.

Psychiatrist | Psychiatry

Dr. Julius Moore is a geriatric psychiatrist practicing in Bartow, FL. Dr. Moore specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, particularly in older adults. Patients who visit geriatric psychiatrists typically look for help with problems like memory loss, depression, difficulty coping with change, stress, dementia, anxiety and more. Older adults may also experience emotional distress after being diagnosed with a disease as well. Dr. Moore helps patients after a comprehensive diagnostic exam so the root of their problems can be treated.
52 years Experience
Dr. Julius Moore, M.D.
  • Lakeland, Florida
  • University of Miami
  • Accepting new patients

How do I practice mental self-care?

Caring for and not abusing your brain is as important as it is with other parts of you body. Adequate sleep, relaxation, nutrition, and not over-taxing your brain are all parts READ MORE
Caring for and not abusing your brain is as important as it is with other parts of you body. Adequate sleep, relaxation, nutrition, and not over-taxing your brain are all parts of self-care. Learning how to better deal with today's stressors also is important, whether that involves meditation, prayer, stopping negative self talk, or other strategies are all important to caring for your mind.

Is GAD a lifelong disorder?

Generalized anxiety can be a long term issue for some people but can be effectively treated.

Does depression damage your brain?

Depression is often the result of changes in the neurotransmitters in different parts of the brain. This can result in poor functioning in brain activities (eg., thinking and READ MORE
Depression is often the result of changes in the neurotransmitters in different parts of the brain. This can result in poor functioning in brain activities (eg., thinking and mood) which can make it appear that the brain is damaged. With effective treatment, these changes reverse.

Can I ask my doctor for anxiety medication?

You can ask your doctor about anti-anxiety medications if your anxiety is interfering with your life. It is important that the anxiety be evaluated to make sure it is not the READ MORE
You can ask your doctor about anti-anxiety medications if your anxiety is interfering with your life. It is important that the anxiety be evaluated to make sure it is not the result of any other medical problems or side effects from medications.

Does lack of dopamine make you sleep more?

A change in the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain can certainly modify normal sleep patterns. An assessment of physical and psychological problems should be done to rule READ MORE
A change in the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain can certainly modify normal sleep patterns. An assessment of physical and psychological problems should be done to rule out things such as hypothyroidism and depression.