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Dr. Jeffrey Schroeder, D.D.S.


Dr. Jeffrey V. Schroeder is a Cosmetic, Restorative, General, & Family Dentist and has been serving the Tampa, FL area. He has been in practice since 1983 and opened Bay Cosmetic Dentistry in 2003.
Dr. Jeffrey Schroeder, D.D.S.
  • Tampa, FL
  • Florida State University
  • Accepting new patients

How long can you delay getting a crown after a root canal?

Root canal teeth become brittle and will break . When that happens is not easy to determine. Get the post and or core will help ti last until you get the crown

Does a loose tooth have to be pulled?

Yes because it is most likely infection from gum disease that caused the bone loss which is why the tooth is loose. Infection in your mouth goes all over the body which causes READ MORE
Yes because it is most likely infection from gum disease that caused the bone loss which is why the tooth is loose. Infection in your mouth goes all over the body which causes a lot of systemic problems.

How is dental bone loss treated?

First you need to do in-office deep cleaning to stop the disease and educate you on what you need to do better.

Does tooth bonding break easily?

Yes it is just plastic with glass beads in it. It is weaker than enemel.

What vitamins strengthen teeth?

Fluoride, that is how it works. It makes teeth stronger and more decay and fracture resistant.

How can I push my teeth back without braces?

Invisalign works as orthodontics without braces. Quicker easier and better

How long can a dead tooth stay in your mouth?

Dead teeth are infected and that infection goes from your mouth throughout your body so there is no safe time to not treat the dead tooth as the bacteria login you heart and brain READ MORE
Dead teeth are infected and that infection goes from your mouth throughout your body so there is no safe time to not treat the dead tooth as the bacteria login you heart and brain causing damage.

Do teeth gaps close over time?

Rarely at your age

Why does my tooth hurt 3 months after a filling?

Decay that you got the filling for could cause the nerve of the tooth to die

What causes your gums to bleed?

Gum disease is almost always the cause of bleeding. the degree of gum disease needs to be assessed to discover the treatment necessary.

Can turmeric relieve a toothache?

Turmeric can reduce inflammation so it can reduce a tooth ache but tooth pain is generally a infection so likely it will require much more to get corrected.

What happens if you never get your wisdom teeth pulled out?

Every case is different and has to be evaluated. Many people have their wisdom teeth their entire life with no problems.

Is it too late to straighten my teeth?

We do most of our Invisalign cases on adults, so the answer is a definitive no, it is never too late.

Dr. Schroeder

How often should I get a dental cleaning?

Every six months is standard recommendation. Every case is evaluated and many people prone to gum disease need more than two a year.