How To Brush Your Teeth Safely

Dr. Perry Danos Dentist Morton Grove, Illinois

We are proud to be a Privately-Owned Family Dental Practice in Morton Grove, IL. While many dental practices have joined large, corporate-run groups, we continue to stand as a private Dental Practice. We will never be members of an impersonal, multi-corporate dental group or DSO (Dental Service Organization). This allows... more

Are Your Brushing Habits Wearing Away Your Tooth Enamel?

By ProCare Family Dental

Back and Forth, Back and Forth – scrub, scrub, scrub! Get those teeth clean! Yes, get them clean … but, if your method of brushing more resembles a lumberjack sawing trees in half than it does a gentle cleansing of your teeth, you might be setting yourself up for a lifetime of sensitive teeth, bonding treatments and receding gums. Here's more detail on this and three more common mistakes people make while brushing:

1. Brushing too frequently: Taking to the toothbrush three times a day is ideal, particularly if you do it after meals. Any more than that, though, and you’re likely to do more harm than good.

2. Brushing too vigorously: The number one self-inflicted cause of worn enamel is brushing too hard. You can avoid this problem by brushing gently and in a circular motion, while aiming the head of the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle toward the base of the gums. It’ll be slow going at first, but in a week, you’ll have the hang of it.

3. Using an ill-fitting toothbrush: The toothbrush we use should always fit our mouths.

4. Using a toothbrush with bristles that are too stiff: Bristles that are too firm can be damaging to enamel and gum tissue in much the same way as brushing too vigorously. This is why most dentists will recommend either soft or extra-soft bristles on a toothbrush.