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Dr. Amy Chai, MD


Dr. Amy Chai is an internist practicing in Waterbury, CT. Dr. Chai specializes in the medical treatment of adults. Internists can act as a primary physician or a consultant to a primary physician. They manage both common and rare diseases. Dr. Chai provides comprehensive care and manages treatment with surgeons as well. Internists establish long-term relationships with their patients and incorporate disease prevention and mental health care into their practice. Dr. Chai has specialized training in obesity management and opioid addiction treatment.
39 years Experience
Dr. Amy Chai, MD
  • Waterbury, CT
  • The Johns Hopkins University
  • Accepting new patients

Why does my leg hurt so much?

Sounds a lot like you might have a nerve from the lower back that is pinched or inflamed. Chances are good your doctor would do an exam and start with a plain X-ray and some physical READ MORE
Sounds a lot like you might have a nerve from the lower back that is pinched or inflamed. Chances are good your doctor would do an exam and start with a plain X-ray and some physical therapy. As a general rule, I suggest getting checked when musculoskeletal symptoms persist or start getting worse. Sounds like you are at that point.

What is an endoscopy?

Most of the time, people use the word "endoscopy" to refer to an upper endoscopy, which is putting a flexible tube down into the stomach. The endoscope is thin and flexible, with READ MORE
Most of the time, people use the word "endoscopy" to refer to an upper endoscopy, which is putting a flexible tube down into the stomach. The endoscope is thin and flexible, with fiber optics that allow a good view of the "insides" of the stomach, etc. It is completely painless. Most of the time, you will not recall the procedure because of the sedative that they use. They might use this type of procedure to check for ulcers and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is very common and it is not a big deal.

Experiencing painful urination with slight blood discharge?

You need to go to get checked. Most likely it is an infection. But you can’t tell without getting evaluated. Most likely it will clear up with some antibiotic, if you don’t have READ MORE
You need to go to get checked. Most likely it is an infection. But you can’t tell without getting evaluated. Most likely it will clear up with some antibiotic, if you don’t have a doctor try an urgent care.

Does low iron cause dizziness?

Typically low iron causes anemia. Anemia can cause dizziness. If there is no anemia, it should be checked for alternative causes.

Does gluten make me sick?

If you have been feeling sick for just one week, and have been eating gluten normally your whole life without a problem, it makes gluten sensitivity unlikely. If you are feeling READ MORE
If you have been feeling sick for just one week, and have been eating gluten normally your whole life without a problem, it makes gluten sensitivity unlikely. If you are feeling unwell after eating, there are a number of possible causes. If you are not better, get evaluated.

Do I have sleep apnea?

Waking up gasping at night (or hearing yourself snort and waking up) are common signs of sleep apnea. Other common symptoms include snoring, waking up unrefreshed and head-achey, READ MORE
Waking up gasping at night (or hearing yourself snort and waking up) are common signs of sleep apnea. Other common symptoms include snoring, waking up unrefreshed and head-achey, feeling very tired during the day, and tending to doze. Risk factors include male sex, obesity, a thick neck, high blood pressure, and getting older. I suggest getting a sleep study to get a diagnosis! If you smoke, have asthma, drink alcohol, or use medications that cause sedation you might want to stop or take care of those issues. Also consider elevating your head during sleep such as trying to sleep in the recliner while you wait for your doctor’s appointment.

Are cold sores treatable?

Yes. There are antiviral medications that can be taken immediately at the first symptom to reduce the duration. Ask her doctor about it. These are prescription drugs. Typically READ MORE
Yes. There are antiviral medications that can be taken immediately at the first symptom to reduce the duration. Ask her doctor about it. These are prescription drugs. Typically they are for age 12 and up. If your daughter is younger than that, ask her pediatrician.

Why do I have blisters?

There are some uncommon autoimmune diseases that cause blistering. If you have unprovoked blistering, it would be a good idea to check with the dermatologist.

What are the treatment options for kidney infection?

If you have a kidney infection, the way to treat it is with antibiotics. Often, it is important to have a urine culture done. The culture can tell you what "breed" of bacteria READ MORE
If you have a kidney infection, the way to treat it is with antibiotics. Often, it is important to have a urine culture done. The culture can tell you what "breed" of bacteria is causing the infection; that can be very useful because then it is possible to determine which antibiotic will work. Sometimes, there are bacteria that are "resistant" to some antibiotics and your doctor might need to change antibiotics based on the culture result. A bladder infection is different from a kidney infection, and that is a topic that is a little more complicated. If you have recurrent infections in the urinary tract, you should see a urologist.

Why are my kidneys hurting?

Well, if your flanks (back area where the kidneys are located) are hurting, that does not necessarily mean the pain is coming from your kidneys. There are certainly other causes READ MORE
Well, if your flanks (back area where the kidneys are located) are hurting, that does not necessarily mean the pain is coming from your kidneys. There are certainly other causes of pain in this location. Of course, kidney stones and kidney infections are common causes of pain from the kidneys, although typically it is only on one side at a time. You need to be evaluated by your primary care doctor. If that doctor does not have an answer for you, simply ask for a referral.

What would cause blood in urine?

Visible blood in the urine is something you must not ignore. You will need a cystoscopy (a small scope passed into the bladder) to evaluate this problem. The multiple possibilities READ MORE
Visible blood in the urine is something you must not ignore. You will need a cystoscopy (a small scope passed into the bladder) to evaluate this problem. The multiple possibilities range from kidney stones to cancer, but it should definitely prompt an evaluation. Likelihood of a specific diagnosis depends on age, gender, smoking status, and accompanying symptoms.

How can I strengthen my heart?

It is hard to answer that question without knowing "why" your heart is weak. Did you have a heart attack and now your heart is not pumping as hard? Did you have a virus infection READ MORE
It is hard to answer that question without knowing "why" your heart is weak. Did you have a heart attack and now your heart is not pumping as hard? Did you have a virus infection that made your heart muscle weaker? The answer to these questions would be important to determining a good plan of action for you. There is something called "cardiac rehab" which is like
"physical therapy" for heart patients; it helps build heart strength. Your doctor would need to make a referral to cardiac rehab for you if you would benefit from it. I would start by asking your doctor to clarify EXACTLY what he/she meant using the following questions: 1- What exactly do you mean when you say my heart is "weak"? 2- Why is my heart weak? 3- Is it safe for me to exercise? 4- Would cardiac rehab help me? 5- What should I do to improve my health? 6- Can I strengthen my heart? Write down both the questions and your doctor's answers, do not rely on your memory.

Can people with atrial fibrillation get laser vein removal?

People with afib get surgery of all types. However, it is important to get a preoperative evaluation. Often, people with afib take blood thinners, and special instructions will READ MORE
People with afib get surgery of all types. However, it is important to get a preoperative evaluation. Often, people with afib take blood thinners, and special instructions will be needed. The surgeon will be able to explain the bleeding risks and the doctor who prescribes blood thinners (often the cardiologist) will need to give an opinion regarding how to manage medications before the procedure.

Too many diabetes prescriptions?

It is not extreme to take multiple medications for diabetes. All of the medications you mention work in different ways to lower blood sugar. The newer medications are so much safer READ MORE
It is not extreme to take multiple medications for diabetes. All of the medications you mention work in different ways to lower blood sugar. The newer medications are so much safer and better than what we used to have "back in the day." Many diabetics are on multiple medications, and they are not using insulin as soon they used to. This is great to prevent weight gain and avoid low blood sugars. Typically, we start with metformin, and then add on other (often non-insulin) treatments in combination until the A1C goal is reached (I am assuming they must have stopped the metformin). It is not uncommon to require a handful of these meds to get to goal. Of course, diet and exercise is still the cornerstone of good diabetes care! A
great way to improve communication and ask questions that you are curious about is to go together to appointments and write down your concerns.

Can acid reflux cause heart palpitations?

Palpitations are common and can be caused by many things. However, they are a symptom that is separate from reflux and should be evaluated separately.

How do you treat nerve pain?

If nerve pain is recent, I recommend getting it evaluated ASAP. Time is important for best results. Often nerve pain in the hand is related to compression in the wrist. Sometimes READ MORE
If nerve pain is recent, I recommend getting it evaluated ASAP. Time is important for best results. Often nerve pain in the hand is related to compression in the wrist. Sometimes physical therapy will cure it, sometimes surgery is needed. In any case, start with your PCP to get the ball rolling for a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Is reactive airway disease contagious?

Reactive airway disease is another way of saying, "asthma." Typically, wheezing is called "reactive airway disease" when it is not constant and it is triggered by certain exposures. READ MORE
Reactive airway disease is another way of saying, "asthma." Typically, wheezing is called "reactive airway disease" when it is not constant and it is triggered by certain exposures. Reactive airways "close down" when they get irritated by a virus, cold air, exercise, or inhaled irritants. This causes a characteristic "wheezing" sound and some coughing or trouble
catching the breath. It is not contagious. It is very common. It is typically treated with inhaled medications. For people who have mild reactive airway disease, they may only need to take an inhaler when they catch a cold. Sometimes it helps to avoid things that trigger wheezing, such as wearing a scarf when the air temperature is very low.

Infertility and overdoses?

No, those meds do not cause infertility. However, I assume you already called 911 to be treated for the overdose? If not, call 911 right now.

Does Modafinil help fibromyalgia fatigue?

Modafinil is not FDA approved for fibromyalgia related fatigue. There are three drugs that are FDA approved for fibromyalgia. This drugs are pregabalin (lyrica), duloxetine (cymbalta), READ MORE
Modafinil is not FDA approved for fibromyalgia related fatigue. There are three drugs that are FDA approved for fibromyalgia. This drugs are pregabalin (lyrica), duloxetine (cymbalta), and milnacipran (savella).

What causes sudden shortness of breath?

Diseases of the heart and diseases of the lung are the most common causes of acute shortness of breath. Such diseases may include asthma, blood clots, and heart defects. There READ MORE
Diseases of the heart and diseases of the lung are the most common causes of acute shortness of breath. Such diseases may include asthma, blood clots, and heart defects. There are of course many potential causes, some minor and some more serious. Of course it is not possible to find a diagnosis without appropriate examination and testing. She should be evaluated by a physician.