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Dr. Nazar Haidri, MD


Dr. Nazar Haidri practices Neuropathology in Union, NJ. Dr. Haidri studies, evaluates, diagnoses, and treats conditions that affect the nervous system. Neuropathologists are trained to fully understand and treat such conditions as Alzheimers disease and Parkinsons disease.
63 years Experience
Dr. Nazar Haidri, MD
  • Union, NJ
  • Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore
  • Accepting new patients

Why am I suddenly forgetting things?

Anxiety, depression, lack of sleep. There are many other causes. Please see a neurologist.

Can a person recover from brain damage?

Yes. Depends on the type and extent of the brain damage.. Please consult a neurologist.

What can cause permanent brain damage?

Head injury. Cardiac arrest. Anoxia. There are many other causes.

What is making my spine hurt so badly?

Please see a neurologist right away.

How big is a 3 cm brain aneurysm?

Very big. Please see a neurologist right away.

How often should I be experiencing hand spasms?

Hand spasms should not be occuring. Please see a neurologist.

Why does my knee feel numb and tingly?

It could be a neuropathy. Please consult a neurologist.

Why do my legs tingle at night?

You may have neuropathy.