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Dr. Federico Seifarth, M.D.

Surgeon (Pediatric)

<p>Dr. Federico Seifarth practices Pediatric Surgery in Morgantown, WVU. Dr. Seifarth is specialized in minimally invasive techniques and treats children who have an illness, injury, or disease that requires surgery. Some of the surgical problems seen by pediatric surgeons are often quite different from those commonly seen by adult or general surgeons. Dr. Seifarth diagnoses, treats, and manages childrens surgical needs such as abnormalities of the groin in childhood and, chestwall corrections, surgical repair of birth defects, surgical care of tumors, and endoscopic procedures.</p>
25 years Experience
Dr. Federico Seifarth, M.D.
  • Morgantown, WV
  • Universitat Zurich, Medizinische Fakultat
  • Accepting new patients

What is a good position to sleep after hernia surgery?

It depends what type of hernia surgery you had and old you are. A child can sleep in any position after inguinal hernia repair.

What are the side effects of colon resection surgery?

The effects of a colon resection heavily depend on the amount of colon removed and the technique. Total colonic removal will frequently lead to loose stools.

How long do you need pain medications after hernia surgery?

It depends how old you are and what type of hernia repair you are having. Need for pain medication can be as short as 24 hours for a baby, and up to 5 to 7 days for adults. Sent READ MORE
It depends how old you are and what type of hernia repair you are having.
Need for pain medication can be as short as 24 hours for a baby, and up to 5 to 7 days for adults.

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Federico Seifarth