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Dr. Michael Blumenfield, MD


Dr. Michael Blumenfield is a psychiatrist practicing in Woodland Hills, CA. Dr. Blumenfield is a medical doctor specializing in the care of mental health patients. As a psychiatrist, Dr. Blumenfield diagnoses and treats mental illnesses. Dr. Blumenfield may treat patients through a variety of methods including medications, psychotherapy or talk therapy, psychosocial interventions and more, depending on each individual case. Different medications that a psychiatrist might prescribe include antidepressants, antipsychotic mediations, mood stabilizers, stimulants, sedatives and hypnotics. Dr. Blumenfield treats conditions like depression, anxiety, OCD,post traumatic stress eating disorders, bipolar disorders, personality disorders, sexual issues, insomnia, ADD and other mental illnesses.Dr. Blumenfield utilizes psychodynamic and psychoanalytic therapy as well as CBT, psychopharmacology and other techniques. 
60 years Experience
Dr. Michael Blumenfield, MD
  • Woodland Hills, CA
  • State University of NY
  • Accepting new patients

Difference in treatment between a psychiatrist and psychologist?

Psychiatristsare physicians who can and do prescribe medications for depression and anxiety. They also are trained to do psychotherapy with or without medications. Psychologists READ MORE
Psychiatristsare physicians who can and do prescribe medications for depression and anxiety. They also are trained to do psychotherapy with or without medications. Psychologists are trained to do psychotherapy but cannot prescribe medications. They often will refer patient to a psychiatrist when medication is indicated as primary treatment or as a supplement to psychotherapy.

What happens when you skip bipolar medications?

IF you are having side effects, you should discuss this with your doctor, as the meidcation can be adjusted to eliminate the side effects. Usually, there is not a serious side READ MORE
IF you are having side effects, you should discuss this with your doctor, as the meidcation can be adjusted to eliminate the side effects. Usually, there is not a serious side effect if you forget to take your medication one time but if this is done on a consistent basis, your original symptoms would be expected to return. Abruptly stopping certain types of medication can bring about serious withdrawal symptoms

My mother has chronic kidney disease and is always depressed. What should I do?

SHe should see a a therapist, perhaps a psychiatrist who would understand about crhonic kidney disease

What should I do after an anxiety attack?

You should get professional help so you will diminish the possiblity of future anxiety attacks. Treatment works. You may benefit greatly by psychotherapy, medication of both.

How can one approach a depressed friend?

There are so many possibilities depending on the nature of your relationship , the context that you are seeing the person and your personalities. The most important thing is that READ MORE
There are so many possibilities depending on the nature of your relationship , the context that you are seeing the person and your personalities. The most important thing is that you don't avoid the fact that your friend is depressed. You should ask how they are doing. You should suggest that they think about seeing a mental health professional . you can offer to accompany them to the hospital or urgent case especially if there is any concern about them being a danger to his or her self or someone else. You should stay in close touch with them especially if they are going through a crisis.

How do you know if you are clinically depressed?

The fact that you are concerned and are asking this question is reason enough for you to be evaluated. There are very good treatments for depression with either psychotherapy, READ MORE
The fact that you are concerned and are asking this question is reason enough for you to be evaluated. There are very good treatments for depression with either psychotherapy, medication or both.

What are good anti-depressants?

There are many excellent anti-depressant medications. However the first step if for you to see a qualified mental health professional to be evaluated. It is possible that you would READ MORE
There are many excellent anti-depressant medications. However the first step if for you to see a qualified mental health professional to be evaluated. It is possible that you would benefit by psychotherapy or psychotherapy combined with medication.Many psychiatrists do psychotherapy and prescribe medications. In other situation you may see a therapist and also see a psychiatrist who would prescribe the medication. It is important that you be seen as soon as possible as depression can be a serious condition but is very treatable.