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Dr. Bedford Hudson Berrey, MD


Dr. Bedford Berrey is an orthopaedic surgeon practicing in JACKSONVILLE, FL. Dr. Berrey specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries, diseases and disorders of the bodys musculoskeletal system. As an orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Berrey tends to bones, ligaments, muscles, joints, nerves and tendons. Orthopaedic surgeons can specialize in certain areas like the hand, spine, hip, foot and ankle, shoulder and elbow or the knee.
52 years Experience
Dr. Bedford Hudson Berrey, MD
  • United States Military Academy
  • Accepting new patients

Why does nerve pain get worse at night?

The real answer most subscribe to is that during the day, the other sensory inputs overwhelm your processing centers so the neuropathy gets lost or overtaken by the rest is your READ MORE
The real answer most subscribe to is that during the day, the other sensory inputs overwhelm your processing centers so the neuropathy gets lost or overtaken by the rest is your sensory inputs. Then, at night, those other inputs go away so you appreciate the nerve pain more. During the day, the pain is still there but you don’t notice it as much. Much like trying to listen to a single clock in a room full of clocks, with some being much louder than others.
Hope this helps.

Can hip bursitis cause pain down the leg?

Bursitis of the hip, also known as greater trochanter bursitis, is caused by inflammation of the thick tissue known as the iliotibial (IT) band as it crosses over the prominence READ MORE
Bursitis of the hip, also known as greater trochanter bursitis, is caused by inflammation of the thick tissue known as the iliotibial (IT) band as it crosses over the prominence of the greater trochanter, the sharp point of the hip. This can cause local pain and also with some patients a snapping sensation. The IT band starts as part of the muscle known as the Tensor Fascia Lata which starts on the pelvis. The IT band crosses over the trochanter and then goes down the lateral aspect of the thigh and then stops on the lateral side of the proximal tibia. this can cause pain down the lateral aspect of the thigh but it usually does not go down below the knee. the IT Band syndrome can be caused by inflammation of the IT band as it crosses the prominence of the lateral edge of the distal femur just above the knee.

Pain down the back of the thigh is usually of a different origin.

I hope this helps.

What are the signs of arthritis in your feet?

By far, the most common complaint is pain. It depends where the arthritis is located. At the toes joints, they may become stiff. Arthritis in the back of the foot and ankle is READ MORE
By far, the most common complaint is pain. It depends where the arthritis is located. At the toes joints, they may become stiff. Arthritis in the back of the foot and ankle is mostly causing stiffness, pain, and can be difficult working over uneven ground or with curbs, stairs, etc. There are many types of arthritis, but the most common is wear and tear arthritis, or the arthritis of aging.
I hope this helps.