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Dr. Neeladri Misra, MD


Dr. Neeladri Misra is an internist practicing in Roseville , CA . He specializes in hospital medicine and is affiliated with Sutter Roseville Medical center. Dr Misras beleives in providing compassionate care for all his patients and has a strong interest in complex disease management 
15 years Experience
Dr. Neeladri Misra, MD
  • Roseville, CA
  • Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College
  • Accepting new patients

Headaches: To Worry or Not

A headache is the second most common reason patients come to see a doctor after lower back pain. Most of us will encounter a headache debilitating enough to take a day off from...

Most Important Thing to Take Care of is You

Every day driving home from work, I reflect on my day. As a full-time hospitalist in a large community hospital, my day is often filled with a lot of stressors. From the demands...