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Dr. Michael Morris, M.D.

Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)

Dr. Michael Morris is an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor, also known as an otolaryngologist, practicing in Rockville, MD. Dr. Morris specializes in diseases and disorders of the ear, nose and throat as well as other parts of the head and neck. Such structures an ENT may work on include the sinuses, larynx (voice box) and mouth in addition to the ear, nose and throat. There are seven areas of expertise that an ENT might specialize in, and these are: allergies; facial reconstructive surgery; head and neck; laryngology; otology/neurotology; pediatric otolaryngology; and rhinology.
42 years Experience
Dr. Michael Morris, M.D.
  • Rockville, MD
  • George Washington University School Of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Blisters under tongue?

Possible herpes infection recommend getting a blood test to see if your herpes antibodies are elevated and if they are it should be treated with antiviral therapy.

Embarrassment is keeping me from seeing a doctor?

If it is a true wart, you may want to get a Gardasil vaccine which could make the wart disappear. You get a prescription for that from your doctor and just go to a pharmacy.

How do you break a fever in a child naturally?

As long as your five-year-old doesn't have an infection causing his fever like an ear infection or throat infection giving him plenty of liquids and applying a cold damp cloth READ MORE
As long as your five-year-old doesn't have an infection causing his fever like an ear infection or throat infection giving him plenty of liquids and applying a cold damp cloth to his forehead might help.

My throat has blood after coughing?

The blood could be coming from your nose or sinuses and would represent an infection. It would be worth trying an antibiotic first to see if that helps

Tinnitus treatment?

Get an audiology test to see if there's a hearing loss associated with your tinnitus. A hearing aid would help drown out the tinnitus and help you with hearing if necessary.

What is causing a red, hot ear?

It could be an autoimmune disease affecting the ear cartilage. Gout can also affect the external ear.

How impaired should your breathing be for a septoplasty?

The deviated nasal septum can also cause turbulent airflow through the nose and that could result in snoring. Other factors in the nose also include turbinates which are on each READ MORE
The deviated nasal septum can also cause turbulent airflow through the nose and that could result in snoring. Other factors in the nose also include turbinates which are on each side of the nose which contribute to congestion. Getting an exam of the nose and maybe even a CT scan of the nose could tell you percentagewise how much obstruction you have and whether or not it would make sense to do a surgery.

What can I do for my child's ear infection?

If your child has an ear infection have him examined by a doctor who knows what they're looking at when they see the ear. One would have to determine if it's an acute bacterial READ MORE
If your child has an ear infection have him examined by a doctor who knows what they're looking at when they see the ear. One would have to determine if it's an acute bacterial infection or even an ear canal infection. I've seen people from the emergency room who were told they had an ear infection and their ears were full of cerumen and no one could look at the eardrums. Make sure you see a doctor who knows what they're looking at.

What can you give a toddler with a sore throat?

If the sore throat persists have them checked by a doctor who will examine his neck to see if he has swollen lymph nodes which indicate an infection which could be viral or bacterial READ MORE
If the sore throat persists have them checked by a doctor who will examine his neck to see if he has swollen lymph nodes which indicate an infection which could be viral or bacterial and a throat culture could help to distinguish between the two.

Does ear pain cause a baby to cry uncontrollably?

Your pain could make a baby cry but also ear pain can come from a problem in the throat like a throat infection. If you're concerned about an infection please see a doctor to make READ MORE
Your pain could make a baby cry but also ear pain can come from a problem in the throat like a throat infection. If you're concerned about an infection please see a doctor to make sure you're not overlooking something that could be diagnosed and treated.

Why are my ears ringing after wearing earplugs?

With earplugs moisture can build up in the ear canal and with moisture you get inflammation or increase blood flow that could cause ringing in the ear. That should dissipate quickly READ MORE
With earplugs moisture can build up in the ear canal and with moisture you get inflammation or increase blood flow that could cause ringing in the ear. That should dissipate quickly or another way to treat it is with some grain alcohol putting a few drops in the ear canal which will evaporate any moisture.

How to do prevent hearing loss?

Avoid excessive noise exposure and any type of recurrent ear infections that help protect the health of your ears. Trauma can also affect years either acoustic trauma with loud READ MORE
Avoid excessive noise exposure and any type of recurrent ear infections that help protect the health of your ears. Trauma can also affect years either acoustic trauma with loud noise or direct trauma to the head. All of this could cause hearing loss.

Swollen neck?

It sounds like you have an infection with what you're describing are swollen lymph nodes. Your throat should be checked for an infection cultured and treated.

How do you know if your child has meningitis?

Headache, neck rigid, and painful fever changes in mentation or thinking. This is a serious condition requiring urgent medical therapy.

Do you treat empty nose symptoms?

How did the empty nose syndrome develop was it postoperative? I would be careful about using any medications in your nose right now until one can determine if there's anything READ MORE
How did the empty nose syndrome develop was it postoperative? I would be careful about using any medications in your nose right now until one can determine if there's anything else to treat causing your empty nose syndrome.

Why do I have so much ear wax?

I found that earwax is found in people who have allergies. Do you have environmental allergies? Patients in my practice who undergo allergy immunotherapy after diagnosed with environmental READ MORE
I found that earwax is found in people who have allergies. Do you have environmental allergies? Patients in my practice who undergo allergy immunotherapy after diagnosed with environmental allergies and earwax tend not to come back very often or anymore with the earwax problem.

What causes staph throat infections?

Exposure to another person with a staph infection. It's a human pathogen and comes from other people.

Why does my child keep complaining of ear pain?

How old is your child? Does your child seem sick? The ear pain and the child could come from a strep throat is he not eating? Not drinking? So much and take a look at his ears READ MORE
How old is your child? Does your child seem sick? The ear pain and the child could come from a strep throat is he not eating? Not drinking? So much and take a look at his ears nose and throat.

What could be the cause of my ear pain?

Ear pain can come from anywhere between the ear and the abdomen. As a nerve the travels through the ear all the way down into the abdomen. Is it associated with hearing loss vertigo READ MORE
Ear pain can come from anywhere between the ear and the abdomen. As a nerve the travels through the ear all the way down into the abdomen. Is it associated with hearing loss vertigo or ringing or tinnitus?

Why do fevers spike at night?

Infections get worse at night because you're lying flat and drainage from the head sinuses ears is reduced. Infection percolates in these areas and can cause fevers at night. After READ MORE
Infections get worse at night because you're lying flat and drainage from the head sinuses ears is reduced. Infection percolates in these areas and can cause fevers at night. After waking up in the morning and assuming an upright position things tend to drain out.