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Dr. Michael Morris, M.D.

Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)

Dr. Michael Morris is an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor, also known as an otolaryngologist, practicing in Rockville, MD. Dr. Morris specializes in diseases and disorders of the ear, nose and throat as well as other parts of the head and neck. Such structures an ENT may work on include the sinuses, larynx (voice box) and mouth in addition to the ear, nose and throat. There are seven areas of expertise that an ENT might specialize in, and these are: allergies; facial reconstructive surgery; head and neck; laryngology; otology/neurotology; pediatric otolaryngology; and rhinology.
42 years Experience
Dr. Michael Morris, M.D.
  • Rockville, MD
  • George Washington University School Of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Why does my nose always run even when I'm not sick?

That could be due to a form of allergy. Environmental or even food allergy.

Is it possible to have blisters on your cheeks with strep?

Yes but it could also be a sign of a viral infection with blisters.

Do you need to go under anesthesia to have ear tubes placed?

Can you tolerate somebody poking a needle into your ear? Are you comfortable with the idea of somebody working in your ear with instruments? If you answer yes to these questions READ MORE
Can you tolerate somebody poking a needle into your ear? Are you comfortable with the idea of somebody working in your ear with instruments? If you answer yes to these questions you could have the procedure done without general anesthesia

What causes ear ringing throughout the day?

Is the ringing sound in both ears or one ear? The ringing sound could be due to some change in your hearing. The first step would be to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor and READ MORE
Is the ringing sound in both ears or one ear? The ringing sound could be due to some change in your hearing. The first step would be to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor and get a hearing test. Do you have any hearing loss in your family? You could have some inflammatory condition affecting your ears which could contribute to ringing sounds because that increases blood flow, and increased blood flow or inflammation can cause ringing.

Mild DNS, Soreness?

It's possible that on the side you have narrowing and infection may have developed causing the soreness. By taking a culture from that side of the nose, it can help determine if READ MORE
It's possible that on the side you have narrowing and infection may have developed causing the soreness. By taking a culture from that side of the nose, it can help determine if you do have an infection. Have you ever had a nasal and sinus CT scan? That may point to a sinus problem as part of your nasal problem. A more complete evaluation would help determine the best course.


Sometimes a nasal infection or sinus infection could cause bleeding. It's more likely something simple like that versus anything complicated like a tumor. Try some saline spray READ MORE
Sometimes a nasal infection or sinus infection could cause bleeding. It's more likely something simple like that versus anything complicated like a tumor. Try some saline spray is see if that helps and if it doesn't see an ear nose and throat doctor.

Can throat pain lead to respiratory problems?

If your throat pain has anything to do with an infection of the respiratory tract, including loans, yes, the throat pain may be associated with a respiratory infection and you READ MORE
If your throat pain has anything to do with an infection of the respiratory tract, including loans, yes, the throat pain may be associated with a respiratory infection and you should have that evaluated by someone looking in your throat and considering a chest X-ray if the clinical exam suggests a need for chest X-ray.

What can help tinnitus?

The first step is to get an ear examination and and hearing test. The ringing sound could be a problem with your ear in terms of inflammation or problems with the inner ear and READ MORE
The first step is to get an ear examination and and hearing test. The ringing sound could be a problem with your ear in terms of inflammation or problems with the inner ear and your hearing. An ear examination and hearing test also a possible CT scan of the ear can point to what's causing the sound. Sometimes infections in parts of the ear that are not behind the eardrum and caused the ringing sound.

Why does my ear hurt after using a cotton swab?

You contacted the bony ear canal where the skin is right on top of the bone. If pain doesn't resolve quickly, get examined.

Excessive ringing in the ear after surgery?

What kind of surgery was done? Sounds like it made it worse. See another ear specialist.

Treating mouth ulcers?

Could be viral. Get viral testing and, if positive, anti-virus therapy could eliminate ulcers.

Will the exercises help prevent vertigo as well as treat it?

You may have Menieries disease. Get an audiology test and see. If that's the case treatment could eliminate your problem.

What are the treatment options for tonsil stones?

Get cetylpyridinium mouthwash gargle and spit out. Cleans out bacteria causing "stones"

What foods are best for a child with tonsillitis?

Soft non acidic (citrus) warm not hot foods and ensure plenty of fluids.

What causes ear pain in children?

Ear pain can be caused by ear infection,Tonsillitis, were conditions or problems were distant from ear through a nerve called vagus nerve. First thing is a careful ear exam nose READ MORE
Ear pain can be caused by ear infection,Tonsillitis, were conditions or problems were distant from ear through a nerve called vagus nerve. First thing is a careful ear exam nose and throat exam.

How do kids get ear infections?

If your son has recurring ear infections an IgA deficiency may be present. A simple blood test can confirm then a small dose of prophylactic antibiotic at bedtime solves problem. READ MORE
If your son has recurring ear infections an IgA deficiency may be present. A simple blood test can confirm then a small dose of prophylactic antibiotic at bedtime solves problem. He may then grow out of it and no longer need antibiotic and won't have ear infections or subjected to unnecessary ear adenoid surgery.

Does my husband need a hearing test?

Have you noticed a change in his hearing consistent over time? If so, I would suggest him getting a hearing test.

How long does it take for sinus pain to go away?

How it started will determine if it goes away quickly. If it continues get a sinus CT scan and find out what is causing pain, sooner rather than later.

Will a sinus infection go away on its own?

How do you know it's an infection? Allergy? Vasomotor rhinitis? Consider getting a nasal culture and exam to rule out an infection.

In my right ear I hear ringing?

Yes get a hearing test, your local Costco will do one at no cost. If hearing is normal, any dizziness or noticible hearing loss?