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Dr. Lee A Wittenberg, DPM

Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)

Dr. Lee Wittenberg is a 3 year surgically trained Podiatrist. Dr. Wittenberg is trained in all elements of foot and ankle surgery, wound care and limb salvage, and general Podiatric medicine. Dr. Lee Wittenberg is Board Certified by the American Board of Lower Extremity Surgery, as well as the American Board of Foot & Ankle Surgeons. Whether you need clinical treatment with orthotics, Diabetic shoes and insoles, or bracing of the foot and ankle for pathologies such as Drop Foot, Flat Foot reconstructions, care of an injury or fracture, or an ankle sprain, you can find the care you need at Apache Foot & Ankle Specialists. Dr. Wittenberg is also a wound care and limb salvage expert. If you have a long-standing or non-healing wound, Diabetes, or other Dermatologic issues, Apache Foot & Ankle Specialists can help you in those areas. Dr. Wittenberg is kind, compassionate, and ethical, and will always be looking out for the patients' best interests.
24 years Experience
Dr. Lee A. Wittenberg, DPM
Specializes in:
  • Foot Injuries and Disorders
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Ohio College of Podiatric Medcine
  • Accepting new patients

Can heel spur be fixed with massage?

Massages may help, but if several massages fail to alleviate the pain for longer than a few days, you should seek the help of your local Podiatrist

What activities to avoid with a sprained ankle?

Until you heal and are out of pain, you should avoid all activities that put stress on the foot and ankle. RICE therapy is recommended for acute injuries, such as a sprained ankle. READ MORE
Until you heal and are out of pain, you should avoid all activities that put stress on the foot and ankle. RICE therapy is recommended for acute injuries, such as a sprained ankle. But if the pain persists for >1 month after injury, you should seek medical attention.

Do I need an x-ray for a sprained ankle?

If the pain persists or if there is difficulty weight bearing or instability with weight bearing, you should seek medical attention.

How long should I rest a sprained ankle?

That is fully dependent on your symptomoloby.

How long do you stay in hospital after hammertoe surgery?

It is an outpatient surgery. You do not have to stay in the hospital.

Will I be able to run after ankle replacement surgery?

It is not recommended to perform high-impact activity on an artificial joint. It will wear out the joint.

How long do you stay in hospital after heel surgery?

You do not usually stay in the hospital after heel surgery.

What should you avoid after heel surgery?

You should allow yourself to heal after any surgery, but the goal is to have you back to full activity after healing is done

What does gout pain in the ankle feel like?

Like red, hot, swollen, burning, sharp, stabbing pain.

What is the best treatment for heel spurs?

See my many responses to questions on plantar fasciitis and heal pain.

Both feet are swollen?

See my responses on the leg, foot, and ankle swelling as well as my responses referring to venous insufficiency.

How long after ankle surgery can I run?

That depends on what type of surgery you’ve had. That is something you should discuss with your surgeon.

When can I drive after ankle dislocation?

That depends on how severe the dislocation was. It depends on whether or not you had to have surgery. That is something you should discuss with your treating physician/surgeon. READ MORE
That depends on how severe the dislocation was. It depends on whether or not you had to have surgery. That is something you should discuss with your treating physician/surgeon.

Surgery and reopened wound?

He will do his best to repair your tendon. He may need to use a graft for strength/augmenting of the tendon repair. You are at higher risk of infection. It was handled poorly, READ MORE
He will do his best to repair your tendon. He may need to use a graft for strength/augmenting of the tendon repair. You are at higher risk of infection. It was handled poorly, for sure. But a good surgeon should be able to give you a good outcome. Be a good patient. Hope it doesn’t get infected/more infected. Trust what your surgeon tells you and follow instructions.

How long does it take to walk after heel fracture surgery?

Probably about 6-8 weeks, depending on what type of fracture and what procedures you have.

How long after ankle surgery can I swim?

Follow your surgeon’s advice and make sure you’re healed to his satisfaction prior to any activity.

How long is recovery from heel surgery?

That depends on what type of surgery you have

How painful is heel surgery?

That depends on what type of surgery you are to have

When can I go to the gym after heel surgery?

Rely on your surgeon’s advice. It depends on the type of surgery and what is being repaired