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Warren Janowitz, MD


Dr. Warren Janowitz is a radiologist practicing in Miami, FL. Dr. Janowitz specializes in diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases using medical imaging techniques such as X-Rays, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography exams. These techniques offer accurate visibility to the inside of the patients body and help to detect otherwise hidden illnesses so that they can be treated quickly and efficiently.
52 years Experience
Warren Janowitz, MD
  • Miami, FL
  • New York Univ Sch of Med, New York Ny
  • Accepting new patients

Open MRI

Open MRI have less resolution due to weaker magnetic field. In general closed MRI are better unless you are claustrophobic. Closed MR may be OK if high resolution not needed.

What if I'm allergic to contrast?

There are protocols to premeditate patients with contrast allergies using steroids and antihistamines. Should be safe.

Is radiology equipment really safe?

Radiology equipment is safe. Only problem would be if you need contrast and have an allergy. Abnormal kidney function can also be an issue if you need contrast.

Airport security and being pregnant

Airport scanners do not penetrate the skin and are no risk to the fetus. You can always ask to be screened manually.