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Mr. Arun Swaminathan, M.B.B.S.


Dr. Arun Swaminathan practices neurology and specializes in epilepsy management at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He offers all therapies for epilepsy including medications, epilepsy surgery, ketogenic diet, and devices like VNS or RNS. He is also heavily involved in research into innovative therapies for epilepsy.
8 years Experience
Mr. Arun Swaminathan, M.B.B.S.
Specializes in:
  • Neurologist
  • Omaha, NE
  • Univ of Kentucky, Lexington
  • Accepting new patients

I don't know what this is?

Seeing a neurologist or allergist/immunologist might help.

Is medication appropriate for children with aggression?

Medications may be the right choice in many patients with aggression or behavior issues. A psychiatrist might be able to offer more guidance based on the exact nature of the aggression. READ MORE
Medications may be the right choice in many patients with aggression or behavior issues. A psychiatrist might be able to offer more guidance based on the exact nature of the aggression.

Can a neurologist help with motion sickness?

Neurologists can sometimes help. It is also possible that you might need to see a ear specialist / ENT doctor.

Mixing medication?

That should be fine.

What can a neurologist do for sciatica?

Neurologists generally help with pain management and getting imaging of your back or other tests like nerve conduction studies if needed. They will often refer you to other specialists READ MORE
Neurologists generally help with pain management and getting imaging of your back or other tests like nerve conduction studies if needed. They will often refer you to other specialists like neurosurgeons, orthopedicians and pain management experts if needed as well.

Can migraines cause vertigo?

Yes - many types of migraines can cause vertigo.

Is vestibular migraine a neurological disorder?

it is probable that it is neurological. Neurologists should be able to help you with this condition.

How do you stop your addiction to pills?

Psychiatrists or substance abuse counselors or therapists can help you with this condition.

Do people with epilepsy need to eat more than most people?

You do not need to eat more than most people. You need a healthy diet and avoid staying hungry for long as hunger and low blood sugar may trigger your seizures.

What causes a child to develop epilepsy?

Some children may develop epilepsy from brain damage during birth if there were any complications. Others may develop it from head injuries or infections like meningitis. Tumors READ MORE
Some children may develop epilepsy from brain damage during birth if there were any complications. Others may develop it from head injuries or infections like meningitis. Tumors can also cause seizures. Many cases of epilepsy in kids are genetic in origin as well. Please discuss this with your child's doctor or see a pediatric neurologist for more details.

Explaining MRI?

You can sometimes have abnormal gray matter deposits in your white matter. You should probably consult a neurologist to take a look at the MRI and advise you.


It is possible to have cataplexy without other symptoms of narcolepsy. Please see a sleep specialist for further clarification.

Can an EEG read normal awake & show absent seizures?

The report seems to suggest that your EEG was normal and shows no evidence for absence seizures. Please consult a neurologist for further discussion.

Shunts and Encephalitis?

It depends on what type of encephalitis it is. Shunts will only help drain excess fluid but not treat the encephalitis. Please discuss this with your doctor.

Lesion on MRI brain scan, 11 weeks pregant

Please see a neurologist at the earliest to get further clarification about what it is.

How does a doctor diagnose epilepsy?

Epilepsy may be diagnosed by history taking or talking to a doctor, brain scans like EEGs or MRIs. Please consult a neurologist if you have concerns for epilepsy in yourself or READ MORE
Epilepsy may be diagnosed by history taking or talking to a doctor, brain scans like EEGs or MRIs. Please consult a neurologist if you have concerns for epilepsy in yourself or others.

How successful is brain surgery for epilepsy?

It depends on what type of epilepsy they have and the type of surgery offered. Please consult a neurologist at a comprehensive epilepsy center for more detailed discussion.

How long does it take to recover from brain surgery for epilepsy?

The immediate recovery after the surgery usually takes 2-3 weeks only. Your seizures may take longer to respond to the surgery, based on what type of surgery you have had. Please READ MORE
The immediate recovery after the surgery usually takes 2-3 weeks only. Your seizures may take longer to respond to the surgery, based on what type of surgery you have had. Please discuss this in more detail with your epilepsy doctor and neurosurgeon.

How big is a 3 cm brain aneurysm?

It's fairly concerning. Aneurysms greater than 5 mm are followed closely. More than 1 cm is fairly serious. Please discuss this with your neurologist or neurosurgeon.

Prior drug use and pregnant?

If the mother is currently clean and well nourished, then the chances are lower, unless she has genetic conditions.