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Dr. Mitchell C. Shultz, M.D.


Dr. Mitchell Shultz is an ophthalmologist practicing in Northridge, CA. Dr. Shultz specializes in eye and vision care. As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Shultz can practice medicine as well as surgery. Opthalmologists can perform surgeries because they have their medical degrees along with at least eight years of additional training. Dr. Shultz can diagnose and treat diseases, perform eye operations and prescribe eye glasses and contacts. Ophthalmologists can also specialize even further in a specific area of eye care.
32 years Experience
Dr. Mitchell C. Shultz, M.D.
  • Northridge, CA
  • New York Med Coll- Valhalla Ny
  • Accepting new patients

What is used to keep your eyes open during LASIK eye surgery?

When we perform LASIK, we use a soft wire device called an eyelid speculum that gentlily spreads the eyelids and allows us to expose the eye for the laser treatment. It keeps READ MORE
When we perform LASIK, we use a soft wire device called an eyelid speculum that gentlily spreads the eyelids and allows us to expose the eye for the laser treatment. It keeps the eyelids out of the way and we encourage our patients that it is okay to blink normally

Can an ophthalmologist perform cataract surgery?

Yes you should find a qualified ophthalmologist that performs cataract surgery. When choosing a cataract surgeon, I would also ask if they use Laser cataract surgery, Toric lenses READ MORE
Yes you should find a qualified ophthalmologist that performs cataract surgery. When choosing a cataract surgeon, I would also ask if they use Laser cataract surgery, Toric lenses and or lenses that help to reduce the need for glasses both for distance and near. Not all surgeons are the same, and many do not offer their patients the best options for reducing their spectacle dependence if that is important

How often should diabetes patients get their eyes checked?

Patients with Diabetes should have an annual dilated eye exam to evaluate for potential effects of Diabetes

Do I need anesthesia for a laser eye surgery?

We generally use eye drop anesthesia for cataract and laser cataract surgery. In addition we give our patients some mild IV sedation to remain calm and comfortable during surgery. READ MORE
We generally use eye drop anesthesia for cataract and laser cataract surgery. In addition we give our patients some mild IV sedation to remain calm and comfortable during surgery. On rare occasion some patients require narcotic analgesics to help if they are uncomfortable.

Anesthesia during LASIK eye surgery?

For Lasik we typically give patients Xanax or Valium to relax them and topical eye drop anesthesia to keep them comfortable during the procedure

What can I do to prevent dry eyes?

If you have Dry eyes there are several potential causes. Meibomian Gland Disease is a major under diagnosed cause of evaporative dry eye syndrome. There are also medical conditions READ MORE
If you have Dry eyes there are several potential causes. Meibomian Gland Disease is a major under diagnosed cause of evaporative dry eye syndrome. There are also medical conditions that can cause Dry eye. I would encourage a good eye exam for Dry eye with. A doctor that offers Lipiflow, Miboflow or IPL for dry eye as they will likely be the most knowledgeable with regards to the differential diagnosis of dry eye.

My left eye has been constantly watering. What can I do about it?

There are several causes of constant tearing. Is your eye red? Any pain or foreign body sensation? Any other symptoms other than tearing? Tearing can be caused by a blocked tear READ MORE
There are several causes of constant tearing. Is your eye red? Any pain or foreign body sensation? Any other symptoms other than tearing? Tearing can be caused by a blocked tear duct, oil gland dysfunction, exposure to ocular irritants, allergic reaction to something, irritation of the naso-ciliary nerve, or lacrimal gland.

Kind regards,

Mitch Shultz, MD