Why Self-Love Matters

Dr. Shahnoos Mahdavi Internist Long Beach, CA

Dr. Shahnoos Mahdavi is a board-certified internal medicine physician practicing in Long Beach, CA. Since 2008 she has been involved predominately in acute care settings allowing for a comprehensive understanding of patient needs. In her Clinic, Novel U Wellness, Her goal is to help her patients live their best life, featuring... more

You are your own Valentine 365 days of the year, deserving of all the love you give to others.

As the short month of February unfolds, Cupid takes center stage. Valentine’s Day, traditionally associated with romantic relationships, need not be confined to couples exchanging chocolates, flowers, and heartfelt cards. This February, I’m urging everyone to try something a little different and turn the spotlight inward to celebrate the most important relationship of all – our relationship with ourselves.

Self-love is not selfish; it’s the essential act of recognizing our self-worth and treating ourselves with kindness. Valentine’s Day offers us all the perfect backdrop for practicing self-love. Not sure where to begin your self-love journey? Try one (or more) of these suggestions:

1. Write Love Letters to Yourself with Self-Gratitudes

Grab a notebook and jot down reasons you appreciate yourself. Acknowledge your strengths, resilience, and unique qualities. These self-gratitudes serve as love letters to your soul, reminding you of your inherent worthiness.

2. It’s Mani-Pedi Time!

Why not adorn your nails with love-themed colors? Paint them crimson, blush pink, or even sprinkle tiny hearts. As you apply each stroke, visualize self-love seeping into your fingertips, nurturing your spirit.

3. Luxuriate in a Warm Bubble Bath

Draw a bath, light some candles, and immerse yourself in warm water. Let the bubbles envelop you, washing away stress and fatigue. This simple act of self-indulgence rejuvenates both body and mind.

4. Meditate and Breathe

Find a quiet corner, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Meditation allows you to connect with your inner self, quieting the noise of the world. Breathe in love, exhale negativity, and let self-compassion fill your heart.

5. Pamper Your Skin with a Mini Facial

Treat your skin to a gentle cleanse, exfoliation, and moisturization. As you massage your face, imagine releasing any self-critical thoughts. Your reflection in the mirror deserves kindness and admiration.

6. Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is the ultimate self-care ritual. Tuck yourself into bed early. Allow your body to rest, rejuvenate, and dream. Tomorrow’s adventures await, and you’ll face them better with a well-rested mind.

7. Dance Like No One’s Watching

Turn up the music and dance. Let your body sway, twirl, and express joy. Whether you’re a graceful dancer or an uncoordinated rhythmic mess – who cares? Not you! Revel in the freedom of movement. You’re celebrating life, after all.

Be a Self-Love Rebel!

In a world that often emphasizes validation from others, self-love is revolutionary. It’s a rebellion against unrealistic standards. When we love ourselves, we radiate positivity, compassion, and authenticity. We become better partners, friends, and contributors to our society.

This Valentine’s Day let’s adorn our hearts with self-love and savor life’s sweet moments. Whether single or in a relationship, remember that we are complete as we are and completely worthy of being loved. That fact, my dears, is the real cause for a true celebration.

If you find yourself in Long Beach, consider visiting me at my Novel U Wellness & Rejuvenation Center. As a board-certified Internal Medicine physician, I understand the importance of self- care. My holistic approach focuses not only on outer beauty but also on my patients’ overall wellness needs.

Novel U Wellness and Rejuvenation Center’s goal is to help you live your best life, featuring weight-loss support, bioidentical menopausal hormone therapy, and more. Novel U brings a unique focus to our patients with an emphasis on longevity and functional medicine.

Be well,

Dr. M