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Dr. Tracy Colsen Schaperow, PSY.D.


Dr. Tracy Schaperow is a psychologist practicing in Waterford, CT. Dr. Schaperow specializes in the treatment of health mental problems, and helps people to cope with their mental illnesses. As a psychologist, Dr. Schaperow evaluates and treats patients through a variety of methods, most typically being psychotherapy or talk therapy. Patients usually visit Dr. Schaperow because they have been experiencing depression, anxiety, stress or anger for a significant period of time and are seeking help. Psychologists may perform a variety of exams and assessments to diagnose a mental condition.
23 years Experience
Dr. Tracy Colsen Schaperow, PSY.D.
  • Waterford, CT
  • CSPP at Alliant University
  • Accepting new patients

How to deal with the anxiety of getting cancer?

Talking to a therapist who you feel comfortable with is the first priority, rather than a special type of treatment. The therapist could work with you to develop skills to manage READ MORE
Talking to a therapist who you feel comfortable with is the first priority, rather than a special type of treatment. The therapist could work with you to develop skills to manage your fears, as well as process the tremendous loss (and possibly trauma) that you have endured.