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Dr. Philip C. Roholt, M.D.


Dr. Philip Roholt is an ophthalmologist practicing in North Canton, OH. Dr. Roholt specializes in eye and vision care. As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Roholt can practice medicine as well as surgery. Opthalmologists can perform surgeries because they have their medical degrees along with at least eight years of additional training. Dr. Roholt can diagnose and treat diseases, perform eye operations and prescribe eye glasses and contacts. Ophthalmologists can also specialize even further in a specific area of eye care.
45 years Experience
Dr. Philip Roholt, M.D.
  • North Canton, OH
  • Univ of Mn Med Sch-Minneapolis, Minneapolis Mn
  • Accepting new patients

Should I wear glasses all the time for astigmatism?

Hello: Astigmatism is a permanent, relatively unchanging condition of your eyes. The cornea is football shaped instead of round. If you don't wear your glasses, you may experience READ MORE
Hello: Astigmatism is a permanent, relatively unchanging condition of your eyes. The cornea is football shaped instead of round. If you don't wear your glasses, you may experience some eyestrain, but generally the astigmatism focus will not change. It does not harm your eyes to not wear the glasses all the time. This does not include occasional cases of astigmatism that are progressive, or eyes with dystrophies (diseases) such as keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, or other forms of ectasia (corneal bending). Here the astigmatism can change, even to the point of requiring rigid contact lenses or surgery. Regards, Dr. Roholt

Can corrective lenses cure myopia?

Hello: Glasses, contact lenses, or other corrective lenses cannot cure myopia, except in some limited cases when the myopia is not severe and is caught early..Then in conjunction READ MORE
Hello: Glasses, contact lenses, or other corrective lenses cannot cure myopia, except in some limited cases when the myopia is not severe and is caught early..Then in conjunction with atropine eyedrops (to paralyze the focusing muscle) protracted treatment may help. Otherwise only surgery, such as LASIK or Lens implants can eliminate or reduce myopia. Regards, Dr. Roholt

How many days rest is needed after cataract surgery?

Hello: Cataract surgery is performed through a very tiny incision, approximately 1/4 inch, so that it seals off at the time of surgery, generally without sutures. So light activity READ MORE
Hello: Cataract surgery is performed through a very tiny incision, approximately 1/4 inch, so that it seals off at the time of surgery, generally without sutures. So light activity is fine the day after surgery, and even though wound healing occurs for a month or more, normal activity is fine the first week. Heavy lifting and strenuous exercises should be delayed for 2-3 weeks, and water sports for a month. Philip Roholt, MD