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Deepthy Thomas, DDS


Dr. Deepthy Thomas is a Dentist practicing in San Ramon, CA. Dr. Thomas specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures, and performing examinations, among many others.
Deepthy Thomas, DDS
  • San Ramon, CA
  • University of Southern California Goldman School of Dentistry
  • Accepting new patients

How long does pain after implant surgery last?

Please contact your Dentist or surgeon with any concerns. Post operative pain is very common after surgeries and it varied from person to person. Please follow the pain management READ MORE
Please contact your Dentist or surgeon with any concerns. Post operative pain is very common after surgeries and it varied from person to person. Please follow the pain management instructions that were given to you. If anything changes , your Dentist should be notified.

How often should you replace your dentures?

Even if you are wearing Dentures, you should have your Dentists appointment to have a comprehensive oral evaluation every 6 months. Dental exams are not just for teeth, but for READ MORE
Even if you are wearing Dentures, you should have your Dentists appointment to have a comprehensive oral evaluation every 6 months. Dental exams are not just for teeth, but for looking at everything else in your mouth including Denture fit. The replacement frequency depends on the condition of your denture and fit. This fit is controlled by the quality of. Your bone and bone loss is very individual. Sometimes they can be relined. sometimes need to be replaced and there are options like implant supported dentures. Please discuss with your Dentist.

How can I fix moving partial dentures?

Please contact your Dentist. It might be a fit issue due to bone loss, fractured portion of partial or it could be a tooth that is holding the tooth might be loose. It is important READ MORE
Please contact your Dentist. It might be a fit issue due to bone loss, fractured portion of partial or it could be a tooth that is holding the tooth might be loose. It is important to address the cause.

How long does it take for a crowned tooth to stop hurting?

Please contact your Dentist to evaluate. Here is a great link to answer this

How long does it take for braces to close a gap?

This Depends on the causes of the gap and the way upper and lower teeth fit together as well as how your tongue rests against your teeth and also how your your lip attaches. Sometimes READ MORE
This Depends on the causes of the gap and the way upper and lower teeth fit together as well as how your tongue rests against your teeth and also how your your lip attaches. Sometimes you need a combination of orthodontic movements and restorations if there is a size discrepancy. Spaces are the most prone for reopening as well. So please discuss with your Dentist or Orthodontist and be meticulous with your compliance with your appliances and your retainers. Good luck!

What are the disadvantages of getting veneers?

Veneers are planned based on the condition of your teeth or what you want to achieve based on what your wishes are. This should be a conversation with your oral health provider. READ MORE
Veneers are planned based on the condition of your teeth or what you want to achieve based on what your wishes are. This should be a conversation with your oral health provider. Your needs will dictate your treatment. There is usually some degree of teeth reduction involved, but if well done should make an amazing difference. Just like teeth, with time, issues might happen and they might have to be replaced. Please discuss with your treating Dentist.

How long should you wear dentures every day?

Please discuss with your Dentist so they can go over recommendations. We recommend they are not worn at night time to ensure soft tissue to have a chance to breathe and be healthy. READ MORE
Please discuss with your Dentist so they can go over recommendations. We recommend they are not worn at night time to ensure soft tissue to have a chance to breathe and be healthy. Your Dentist can give you specific instructions if you have any concerns.

Can I brush dentures with toothpaste?

Please use denture cleansers specific to resin teeth. Tooth paste can cause sediments or deposit build up. Most of the cleansing tablets are baking soda based. Please check with READ MORE
Please use denture cleansers specific to resin teeth. Tooth paste can cause sediments or deposit build up. Most of the cleansing tablets are baking soda based. Please check with your Dentist on their recommendations.

What can I do for red gums my tooth?

Please contact your Dentist. It can be due to different reasons like gum disease, mouth breathing, infection, sensitivity etc. you should have a complete exam and follow recommendations. READ MORE
Please contact your Dentist. It can be due to different reasons like gum disease, mouth breathing, infection, sensitivity etc. you should have a complete exam and follow recommendations.

Should you wear a retainer every day?

Please follow your Dentist’s recommendations. It is very important to wear them according to your Doctor’s instructions. Braces are a great investment and retainers are the READ MORE
Please follow your Dentist’s recommendations. It is very important to wear them according to your Doctor’s instructions. Braces are a great investment and retainers are the e way to ensure they stable over time.

Do dental cysts go away on their own?

Dental cysts usually do not go away unless the cause is addressed. Depending on the size and type it might need further treatment. Please discuss with your Dentist.

Can I drink coffee after teeth bonding?

You should be able to drink coffee. Bonding is usually composite filling material, always remember just like your teeth, stains will affect them and usually they are more porous READ MORE
You should be able to drink coffee. Bonding is usually composite filling material, always remember just like your teeth, stains will affect them and usually they are more porous and have margins which can affect stain absorption. make sure you take care of them.

Is ibuprofen good for toothache?

Please contact your Dentist to find the cause of the tooth ache. Ibuprofen can help with pain and inflammation if you are not allergic or sensitive to it. The cause will determine READ MORE
Please contact your Dentist to find the cause of the tooth ache. Ibuprofen can help with pain and inflammation if you are not allergic or sensitive to it. The cause will determine what other treatment is needed

How often is dental cleaning recommended?

Dental cleaning frequency depends on the condition of your gums and is affected by hygiene and various oral and periodontal and other health issues. Please discuss with your Dentist. READ MORE
Dental cleaning frequency depends on the condition of your gums and is affected by hygiene and various oral and periodontal and other health issues. Please discuss with your Dentist.

Can you straighten teeth with receding gums?

Please discuss with your Dentist or orthodontist regarding your concerns. Gum recession can be a result of so many different reasons. It is usually not a contraindication, but READ MORE
Please discuss with your Dentist or orthodontist regarding your concerns. Gum recession can be a result of so many different reasons. It is usually not a contraindication, but might need some modifications. Good luck!

Can cavities form under sealants?

Sealants are placed in deep grooves to reduce risk of decay. If they de-bond or disintegrate, can still form cavities. It reduces the risk, but still possible.

What does calcium buildup on teeth look like?

It is erroneously called calcium build up. Plaque which is the bacterial film that forms around teeth and if not adequately removed, collects minerals and bacteria and form hard READ MORE
It is erroneously called calcium build up. Plaque which is the bacterial film that forms around teeth and if not adequately removed, collects minerals and bacteria and form hard deposits called calculus/ tartar- which needs to be professional removed. It can be thin or thick ridge like layers, can look white or hello or dark depending on the type of chromogenic bacteria in your mouth.

Deepthy Thomas, DDS

What are mini implants made of?

Mini implants are usually made of Titanium, you will have to discuss with your surgeon specifics of what they use. You should specifically talk to a surgeon on what would be best READ MORE
Mini implants are usually made of Titanium, you will have to discuss with your surgeon specifics of what they use. You should specifically talk to a surgeon on what would be best for you and for your oral health.

How long does dental bone graft take to heal?

It depends on the type of graft and the amount of graft needed etc. if it’s prior to implant placement, usually 3-4 months. Please talk to your surgeon since they will know what READ MORE
It depends on the type of graft and the amount of graft needed etc. if it’s prior to implant placement, usually 3-4 months. Please talk to your surgeon since they will know what is specific to your mouth.

Deepthy Thomas, DDS

How do you get rid of a toothache headache?

Headaches radiating from teeth can be due to infection or fracture or inflammation of the nerve inside the tooth called pulpits. Please go see a Dentist. Over the counter anti READ MORE
Headaches radiating from teeth can be due to infection or fracture or inflammation of the nerve inside the tooth called pulpits. Please go see a Dentist. Over the counter anti inflammatory medications can help in the interim.

Deepthy Thomas, DDS