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Dr. Vlad Gendelman, M.D., FAAOS

Orthopedist | Adult Reconstructive Orthopaedic Surgery

Dr. Vlad Gendelman is an orthopaedic surgeon practicing in LOS ANGELES, CA. Dr. Gendelman specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries, diseases and disorders of the bodys musculoskeletal system. As an orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Gendelman tends to bones, ligaments, muscles, joints, nerves and tendons. Orthopaedic surgeons can specialize in certain areas like the hand, spine, hip, foot and ankle, shoulder and elbow or the knee.
20 years Experience
Dr. Vlad Gendelman, M.D., FAAOS
  • University of CA at Irvine – College of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

What are the signs of arthritis in your feet?

Thinning of cartilage in the joints of the foot. Bone spurs around the joints. Inflammation which will in response cause pain, swelling and possibly some redness in the area.

Do you need surgery for bursitis?

If you fail conservative treatment you may need surgery.

How long does it take for heel pain to heal?

Heel pain is a symptom not a condition. Heel pain can be due to many different conditions. Depending on what is causing your heel pain, amount of time it takes to resolve will READ MORE
Heel pain is a symptom not a condition. Heel pain can be due to many different conditions. Depending on what is causing your heel pain, amount of time it takes to resolve will be vastly different. It also depends on whether or not you are treating the condition properly.

What is the best pain reliever for bursitis?

NSAIDs and ice. (NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

Do cortisone shots cure bursitis?

Cortisone shot is one of the modalities used to treat bursitis and yes it can make it resolve in many patients.

Can hip bursitis cause pain down the leg?

Usually no. More likely than not, if you have pain shooting down the leg it is coming from your lower back, even if you don't experience lower back pain)

How do you check for tennis elbow?

See an orthopaedic surgeon for an evaluation of your elbow. They will help you figure out if it is tennis elbow or another condition.

What are the symptoms of a torn ligament in the wrist?

Pain with range of motion and tenderness to palpation over the torn ligament.

Is there surgery for shoulder bursitis?

Most commonly shoulder bursitis is associated with shoulder impingement syndrome. There is a surgery for shoulder impingement. This surgery is usually done arthroscopically READ MORE
Most commonly shoulder bursitis is associated with shoulder impingement syndrome. There is a surgery for shoulder impingement. This surgery is usually done arthroscopically and is therefore called shoulder arthroscopy. The part of the surgery for impingement syndrome is called subacromial decompression. So together that would be shoulder arthroscopy and subacromial decompression.

What are the symptoms of a torn ligament in the shoulder?

It is very rare to tear a ligament in the shoulder so most likely you are referring to a torn tendon in the shoulder. Symptoms of a torn tendon would depend on which tendon you READ MORE
It is very rare to tear a ligament in the shoulder so most likely you are referring to a torn tendon in the shoulder. Symptoms of a torn tendon would depend on which tendon you tore but generally they would be decreased range of motion with pain and weakness for the motion that this particular tendon is responsible for.

Do you need surgery for torn ligaments in the shoulder?

It is very rare that you would tear ligaments in your shoulder, so most likely you are referring to torn tendons. Torn tendon in the shoulder cannot heal on their own for mechanical READ MORE
It is very rare that you would tear ligaments in your shoulder, so most likely you are referring to torn tendons. Torn tendon in the shoulder cannot heal on their own for mechanical reasons and have to be fixed surgically. So yes, you need surgery for torn tendons in the shoulder.

Can you change your leg cast?

Yes that is generally something that can be done, but this is usually decided on case by case basis based on type of fracture, time from injury, time from application of cast, READ MORE
Yes that is generally something that can be done, but this is usually decided on case by case basis based on type of fracture, time from injury, time from application of cast, how loose the cast is, etc.

What are swollen ankles a sign of?

If both ankles are swollen it is usually a sign of a systemic problem which could be one of the following: heart, lungs, kidneys or central vascular problem. If one ankle is swollen READ MORE
If both ankles are swollen it is usually a sign of a systemic problem which could be one of the following: heart, lungs, kidneys or central vascular problem. If one ankle is swollen it can be a sign of injury or vascular problem in that extremity,

How soon can I drive after tennis elbow surgery?

When you are no longer taking narcotic pain medications and can turn the steering wheel at least 180 degrees with the affected arm.

Accessory ossicle or old fracture?

Based on your description of the events and the way this particular bone looks on x-rays I feel that this is on old fracture non-union, however this does not look like it is from READ MORE
Based on your description of the events and the way this particular bone looks on x-rays I feel that this is on old fracture non-union, however this does not look like it is from this summer. Looks a lot older.

What happens if a rotator cuff is not repaired?

Generally when a tendon (any of the rotator cuff tendons) tears in the shoulder it does not tear in the middle of the tendon but rather tears off of the bone. Tendons are what READ MORE
Generally when a tendon (any of the rotator cuff tendons) tears in the shoulder it does not tear in the middle of the tendon but rather tears off of the bone. Tendons are what connects are muscles to bones, so muscle turns to a tendon and then the tendon connects to the bone. So if the tendon tears off of the bone, it still has the muscle attached on the other side. That muscles continues to pull on the tendon and over time the tendon gets further and further away from the bone where it used to attach. Since there is nothing to keep the tendon next to it's attachment on the bone, there is no way for the tendon to heal back down to bone so the only way to address this problem is with surgery. If it is not fixed, the muscle will keep pulling on the tendon until it get approximately 1-2 inches away from where it used to attach (depends on the size of the person) and at that point the muscle will not be able to do anything else (pull any further) and the muscle will just sit there. Over time, since the muscle is not doing anything it will start to wither away (atrophy). The muscle fibers get small and get replaced with fat. Once this process completes, the tendon can no longer be repaired, because even if you repair it and it heals back down to bone, the muscle is not going to be functional anymore. This process is not reversible. Hope this answers your question.

What's worse breaking a bone or tearing a ligament?

Breaking a bone is usually better because bones are very vascular and heal better and faster. Ligaments on the other hand do tend to heal in most cases but since their blood supply READ MORE
Breaking a bone is usually better because bones are very vascular and heal better and faster. Ligaments on the other hand do tend to heal in most cases but since their blood supply is very limited, they take much longer to heal in a lot of cases.

Can you climb stairs after a hip replacement?

Once you recover yes. Day after hip replacement, no. You weren't very specific with timing in your question. If climbing stairs is important to you, you can probably start working READ MORE
Once you recover yes. Day after hip replacement, no. You weren't very specific with timing in your question. If climbing stairs is important to you, you can probably start working on that with the therapist a 2-4 days after your surgery depending on how you progress with walking. Walking comes first :)

Can a dislocated ankle heal itself?

No, a dislocation cannot heal itself. The dislocated joint has to be relocated, and then depending on the cause of the dislocation as well as on the associated injuries which READ MORE
No, a dislocation cannot heal itself. The dislocated joint has to be relocated, and then depending on the cause of the dislocation as well as on the associated injuries which can occur when dislocation happens, treatment can sometimes be operative and sometimes non-operative.