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Rafael Cordero


Dr. Rafael Cordero practices Periodontics in Palm Beach Gardens, FLORIDA. A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, and in the placement of dental implants. Dr. Cordero has expertise in the treatment of oral inflammation and often treats problematic periodontal cases, such as those with severe gum disease or a complex medical history. Some treatments that Dr. Cordero provides are scaling and root planing and root surface debridement.
33 years Experience
Rafael Cordero
  • Palm Beach Gardens, FLORIDA
  • University of Kentucky
  • Accepting new patients

Can gum pockets heal?

Pockets heal if and when treated. They usually do not heal on their own. They form due to bacteria and "sticky film" or plaque disrupting the seal of the gum tissue against the READ MORE
Pockets heal if and when treated. They usually do not heal on their own. They form due to bacteria and "sticky film" or plaque disrupting the seal of the gum tissue against the tooth. In order to recreate that seal, that bacteria and film have to be removed and cleaned out.

Can you get an infection under a bridge?

Yes, but only if the infection is related to the teeth supporting the bridge. Periodontal disease or endodontic infection may drain or present itself partly under the bridge, but READ MORE
Yes, but only if the infection is related to the teeth supporting the bridge. Periodontal disease or endodontic infection may drain or present itself partly under the bridge, but will be related to the teeth supporting it. It's the only way.

Do dental bridges damage teeth?

No, bridges do not damage teeth. There are specific indications for them, periodontal support must be adequate, distance between the two or more teeth involved has to be such, READ MORE
No, bridges do not damage teeth. There are specific indications for them, periodontal support must be adequate, distance between the two or more teeth involved has to be such, so pressure is not too heavy, length of teeth favorable for retention of the bridge, etc. Yes, a bridge requires cutting into tooth structure which in itself weakens the tooth or increases
possibility of undue wear on the teeth involved, especially at a young age. If done well and maintained properly, a bridge may last many, many years. Today, when the indications are right, replacing lost teeth with implants is preferred.

Concern for gum graft recovery

The graft has worked. It may not cover the root surface 100% and will set a bit lower (on lower teeth) or higher (on upper teeth), depending on which teeth we're talking about, READ MORE
The graft has worked. It may not cover the root surface 100% and will set a bit lower (on lower teeth) or higher (on upper teeth), depending on which teeth we're talking about, but do not touch or move the graft anymore. Call your doctor to explain the condition and have her/him look at it.

My root canal is infected again. What should I do?

Give the dentist that did the root canal treatment (RCT) a chance to correct it. If this is a primary dentist, he/she may want to treat it with a final dose of antibiotics, but READ MORE
Give the dentist that did the root canal treatment (RCT) a chance to correct it. If this is a primary dentist, he/she may want to treat it with a final dose of antibiotics, but this is not very predictable. A consultation with a RCT specialist may be better and necessary. If the treatment was originally performed by a specialist, this specialist may want to see it and re-treat. Some re-treatments are easier than others. What was the reason for the RCT to begin with? If it was due to a fracture, it may be that this may be the reason for the constant pain or re-infection.

When can I return to work after gum graft surgery?

Recovery is similar for many of the surgical procedures. The first three days are the most intense with post-operative signs an symptoms of trauma or inflammation: swelling, moderate READ MORE
Recovery is similar for many of the surgical procedures. The first three days are the most intense with post-operative signs an symptoms of trauma or inflammation: swelling, moderate soreness, possible minor bruising. If the 4 teeth requiring grafting are on the same side of the mouth, it is certainly more practical to do it all at once. If they are in different sides of the mouth (left/right), you may elect to do them separately, but it will require two appointments, two healing periods, twice the # of prescriptions, etc. I'd follow the recommendation given by your treating surgeon. She/he knows better the particular situation of your condition.

What is a dry socket?

It is an acute inflammation of the bone that housed a tooth that was recently extracted. Sockets are hollow spaces inside of your mandible or maxilla that remain after a tooth READ MORE
It is an acute inflammation of the bone that housed a tooth that was recently extracted. Sockets are hollow spaces inside of your mandible or maxilla that remain after a tooth has been removed. These spaces immediately fill with blood after the extraction, forming a clot which has the property to turn into bone over time. Sometimes, irritation towards the site breaks up the "glue" or adhesive that holds the blood clot to the walls surrounding the space and the clot breaks off and falls out. These walls of bone remain bare and exposed to the environment and may become infected. Patients may develop fever and always develop severe pain. This condition can only be treated at a dentist's office to protect the area from severe infection and promote healing. Most common contributory factor is smoking. Call your treating dentist and follow his instructions and recommendations. Hope this helps.