Slipped Disc: Signs and Therapy

Slipped Disc: Signs and Therapy
Michael Nguyen Pain Management Specialist New York, New York

Dr. Michael Nguyen is a top Pain Management Specialist in New York. With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Michael Nguyen is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Michael Nguyen is a prime... more

Lower back pain can easily influence the quality of someone's life, especially when fractures or slipped discs are involved. There are several methods that can treat a slipped disc, at home and in therapy. The good news is that this injury is easy to treat and it can vanish over time. However, you will still need to have this evaluated by a professional.

Read on for a full overview slipped disc to find out what triggers them, their symptoms, as well as recovery methods to help you feel much better.

Who is most at risk of obtaining slipped disc pain?

  • Physical workers: These workers tend to carry heavy objects on a day-to-day basis.
  • Office workers: These individuals are usually sitting down for long hours.
  • Middle-aged people to seniors: These age groups typically experience wear and tear of their spinal column. This issue is mostly present in males.
  • People who have unexpected stress, improper activity, or any mishaps.
  • Activities, such as weight training, on a regular basis.

Symptoms of slipped disc:

  • Unexpected, shock-like pain
  • Discomfort in the patient’s thighs and knees
  • Painful tingling in the lower back
  • The feeling of pins and needles

Recovery and treatment

Slipped disc is a problem that typically disappears after a few weeks. If patients are in pain and have inflammation, then they need to have the appropriate medications that are suggested by a pain management specialist of neurologist. Some alternative treatments patients can do at home are mindful exercises, massage therapy, and healing sessions. All of these methods can help your slipped disc go away. Chiropractors can also help you move the dislocated disc back in place.

Slipped disc in the neck

While most people mostly associate herniated discs with a patient’s lower back, it could also occur in their neck. Necks that are rigid and aren’t moved often are much more vulnerable for a herniated disc. But be positive. It’s really simple to work out the neck, even when you are sitting down. Symptoms of a neck hernia consist of numbness or pain in the arms or shoulders.

Evaluation of slipped disc

It's crucial to go to a physician to learn more information about your condition. You must have an idea of your medical history, and you have to understand the general state of your body, regarding your health in relation to your line of work. X-Rays and MRIs must be used to determine the location of the slipped disc. An MRI is a fantastic way to show clear pictures of soft cells in your spine’s tissues.

Patience can use painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications to cope with the pain. After that, you have to be cautious with exercising, as well as doing any extraneous actions. If you still feel discomfort after a couple of weeks, then you need to seek the help of a professional.

Make sure to search back doctors near me to get the right treatment.