7 Effective Tips to Prevent Back Pain

Febin Melepura Physical Therapist New York, NY

Dr. Febin Melepura is an Ivy League trained sport injury doctor and best rated pain management specialist in NYC who is highly specialized in treating any pain related issues – from back and neck to sports related injuries. NYC Sport injury specialist Dr. Melepura is board certified in Pain Management and Anesthesiology.... more

Back pain is a widespread health problem. It can be caused by various issues like trauma or underlying health problems. However, in most cases, back pain is caused by everyday activity done incorrectly. Twisting to reach or lift an object, sitting at a computer in the same position for hours, and carrying heavy shopping bags can all result in back discomfort. 

Fortunately, some simple lifestyle adjustments can help prevent back pain and promote overall wellbeing. Follow these 7 effective and simple tips to prevent back pain.

1. Eat Healthy

By eating healthy, you will not only maintain a healthy weight, but you will also avoid putting extra stress on your body. A diet filled with spicy or fast food might strain your neurological system, resulting in back issues. Besides, such a diet can trigger overall body inflammation, resulting in a higher risk of back pain

A balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, dairy products, and whole grains, on the other hand, will maintain your digestive system in good shape. Since your inner and exterior are connected, if your intestines are healthy and functioning properly, your spine will be maintained. 

2. Maintain Proper Posture

When people text, they often lean over their computers and phones, not knowing about the harm they're doing to their backs. Poor posture is probably the number one cause of back pain. 

To prevent back pain, you should work at an ergonomically acceptable desk (both at the office and at home) and do stretching exercises to break up lengthy times in front of the computer. Maintaining the natural curvature of your back and keeping it strong is easier with excellent posture.

3. Exercise 

Getting up and moving is one of the most essential things you can do to avoid back discomfort. Why does exercise help to keep back discomfort at bay? Muscles are designed to be active. If you're out of shape, you're more prone to injure your back and have discomfort when doing even simple tasks like raising your child from the bed. Exercise also keeps your joints lubricated. 

Another reason exercise helps you avoid back discomfort is that it helps you maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight, particularly around your stomach, puts additional strain on your back and increases the risk of back pain. 

4. Quit Smoking

Most people know that smoking increases the risk of heart disease and cancer, including lung and colon cancers, but few are aware that smoking can also cause chronic back pain or aggravate existing discomfort. It's unclear how smoking impacts back health, but one theory is that it causes blood vessels to shrink. Because of the narrowed blood vessels, less oxygen and nutrients reach the spine, making it more vulnerable to damage and longer to heal.

5. Sleep in the Right Position

You should avoid sleeping on your back. The ideal sleeping posture is on your side. Put a pillow beneath your lower belly if you must sleep on your stomach to relieve tension on your back. It's also important to have a supportive mattress and cushion pillow for your head. Getting adequate restorative sleep is always important for staying healthy. You will also sleep better at night if you exercise throughout the day.

6. Drink Plenty of Water

The body of an adult person consists of 50% to 60% of water. It persists in nearly every organ of your body and is necessary for each body process. Drinking plenty of water enhances the thickness of intervertebral disks. 

Disks are an important part of your vertebrae that absorb shock from walking and jumping, preventing damage to other parts of your spine. When disks are dehydrated they start to degenerate and cannot perform their function. This can produce severe back pain and possibly lead to disability. 

7. Manage Stress 

You probably don't understand how much stress may affect your back health. When you are stressed, you constantly strain your muscles. Persistent tension can lead to back discomfort. Any action that helps you relax can help you avoid and relieve back discomfort. Yoga, meditation, biofeedback, deep breathing, tai chi, and guided imagining are all good options to relieve stress and prevent back pain. 

The Bottom Line

Simple lifestyle modifications can help you lower your risk of back pain. If you feel back pain, don't dismiss it. It might be a symptom of something more serious. Discuss your symptoms with your doctor, as well as what you should do to identify and treat the source.