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Josephine (Jodi) D. Danna


Dr. Josephine (Jodi) Danna is a Dentist practicing in Plano, Texas. Dr. Danna specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures, and performing examinations, among many others.
Josephine (Jodi) D. Danna
  • Frisco, Texas
  • Baylor College
  • Accepting new patients

What is the best option for replacing a missing tooth?

There are a few options available to you for this. First and foremost see your regular dentist and determine if your mouth is healthy and stable for the options you have. Option READ MORE
There are a few options available to you for this. First and foremost see your regular dentist and determine if your mouth is healthy and stable for the options you have. Option # 1 - Do Nothing, Option # 2 - Removable Partial Denture with the missing tooth on it. (This is an appliance that you take in and out) Option # 3 - Fixed Bridge, meaning 3 Crowns soldered together and a unit and cemented in your mouth. Option $ - Implant with a Crown on top...
At your age the implant is the most reliable option but also the most expensive. Hope this helps..

My dental crown came loose, what next?

See your dentist as soon as possible to have it re-cemented if possible. If you are not in a position to see one immediately, then go to the pharmacy and purchase temp cement, READ MORE
See your dentist as soon as possible to have it re-cemented if possible. If you are not in a position to see one immediately, then go to the pharmacy and purchase temp cement, or Fixodent and place the crown back on. that is the most important thing to do is put it back to place ASAP. If not the tooth can shift and the crown could possibly not fit at a later time.

Is losing a crown a dental emergency?

While it's not a "true dental emergency" (unless of course you are in pain), it is, however, something you need to take care of. You can go to the pharmacy and purchase some temporary READ MORE
While it's not a "true dental emergency" (unless of course you are in pain), it is, however, something you need to take care of. You can go to the pharmacy and purchase some temporary dental cement until you are able to get in and see your dentist. Please make sure you bring what you use to your dentist so they know the type used. Doing this will save you after hours visits to the dentist, as long as you can get the crown to go back to place properly.

How long does dental anesthetic last?

This really depends on you individually. How our bodies break down the anesthetic. Typically, anywhere between 1-6 hours depending on the type.

How can I tell if I'm grinding my teeth?

Jaw aching is one of the main symptoms we look for when diagnosing grinding/clenching. Both habits are mostly done while sleeping or concentrating on work or even working out. READ MORE
Jaw aching is one of the main symptoms we look for when diagnosing grinding/clenching. Both habits are mostly done while sleeping or concentrating on work or even working out. If the habit has been going on for some time you will be able to see some wear facets in the teeth or even a flat plane appearance to the back teeth. Hopefully, you will wear a biteguard ASAP before it starts wearing down the teeth. Not addressing this habit can cause problems in your future that are very costly.

How should I prepare for my root canal?

That is a great question. Although there is not really a formal recipe for preparing for a root canal, I would not consume any alcohol. Sometimes that can have an adverse effect READ MORE
That is a great question. Although there is not really a formal recipe for preparing for a root canal, I would not consume any alcohol. Sometimes that can have an adverse effect on the anesthetic. The root canal procedure is much like having a filling except it takes longer. I have had 3. You can do it.

Is it possible to brush my teeth way too much?

Absolutely not...I brush and floss at least 4 times a day myself. The only caveat to that is making sure you are not using an abrasive toothpaste and that your are brushing properly. READ MORE
Absolutely not...I brush and floss at least 4 times a day myself. The only caveat to that is making sure you are not using an abrasive toothpaste and that your are brushing properly. I would recommend a simple paste, NOT tartar control or a whitening toothpaste and obtain proper hygiene instructions from your personal DDS.

What should I do if my dentures feel loose?

I would recommend visiting your dentist and seeing if you are ready to reline your dentures. There are many factors in determining if you are ready for a reline, such as: Do you READ MORE
I would recommend visiting your dentist and seeing if you are ready to reline your dentures. There are many factors in determining if you are ready for a reline, such as: Do you wear your dentures at night? Were they immediate placement dentures? Your dentist is the best source of information for this.

Why does a cracked tooth have to be pulled?

Well it actually depends on how far the fracture is. If the tooth is cracked above the gumline, you can place a crown on the tooth to hold the cracked tooth together so that it READ MORE
Well it actually depends on how far the fracture is. If the tooth is cracked above the gumline, you can place a crown on the tooth to hold the cracked tooth together so that it does not fracture any longer. Sometimes a root canal is necessary if the crack is into the nerve of the tooth. If the fracture is to large the only treatment option is extraction. Hope this helps.

Can flossing causes spaces between my teeth?

The answer is no, however if flossing incorrectly, this can cause you to loose gum tissue due to trauma. There is definitely a right way and a wrong way. Please see your family READ MORE
The answer is no, however if flossing incorrectly, this can cause you to loose gum tissue due to trauma. There is definitely a right way and a wrong way. Please see your family dentist and ask for oral hygiene instructions.

My son grinds his teeth. What can you do to help him?

Sometimes kids do this when they are young and they stop grinding when they start losing teeth. If they are old enough to have all of their permanent dentition and he is still READ MORE
Sometimes kids do this when they are young and they stop grinding when they start losing teeth. If they are old enough to have all of their permanent dentition and he is still grinding, then you need to have a bite guard made to protect his teeth. Also, look at any medication that he takes, especially ADD meds, which have a tendency to cause grinding.

Do I need braces to get rid of the gap in my teeth?

It depends on the gap. It sounds like you have had it since you were younger. I would consult with your dentist to see how large the gap is. If the space is not very large, your READ MORE
It depends on the gap. It sounds like you have had it since you were younger. I would consult with your dentist to see how large the gap is. If the space is not very large, your options are anywhere from wearing Invisalign or Clear Correct Trays to bonding to close the gap. Bonding can be done easily with composite material or porcelain for a more permanent restoration. Please, however, see your dentist and the two of you make a decision that best fits your needs.

Why does my dental filling keep coming off?

It sounds like you are talking about an anterior or front tooth. Remember that the filling material is bonded to the tooth, but it makes a huge difference how big the filling is. READ MORE
It sounds like you are talking about an anterior or front tooth. Remember that the filling material is bonded to the tooth, but it makes a huge difference how big the filling is. A lot of times, if it is too small, it comes off easily, and if it is too big, it becomes "top heavy." Also, you need to make sure that when it is placed, your bite has been adjusted to make sure you are not hitting the new filling first. Sometimes, the tooth needs a more permanent procedure, as in a veneer or a crown.

Is a root canal safe for a 3 year old?

The procedure of removing the infected nerve tissue is called a pulpotomy on a child. It is very similar to an adult root canal. It is a very safe procedure and if your daughter READ MORE
The procedure of removing the infected nerve tissue is called a pulpotomy on a child. It is very similar to an adult root canal. It is a very safe procedure and if your daughter has been diagnosed with a need for one, then the only way to fix the tooth is to do it or extract it. It becomes painful if you do nothing....

What is the best way to treat dental plaque?

Everyone has dental plaque. This is a result of the foods/drinks in addition to our own saliva. You state that you feel plaque along your teeth. Plaque is easily removed with READ MORE
Everyone has dental plaque. This is a result of the foods/drinks in addition to our own saliva. You state that you feel plaque along your teeth. Plaque is easily removed with a toothbrush. However, tarter is plaque that has adhered to the tooth structure. To have that removed you will need to see your dental office. If your gums are sore, please see your dentist/dental hygienist disease.

At what age can my little one start brushing her teeth on her own?

Let her brush. She is excited and wants to be a "big girl." However, tell her mommy just wants to make sure she got out all of the "sugar bugs." You go back in there and make sure READ MORE
Let her brush. She is excited and wants to be a "big girl." However, tell her mommy just wants to make sure she got out all of the "sugar bugs." You go back in there and make sure that she has removed all of the plaque. This lets her do it on her own and also allows her to see the areas where she is missing. Personally, this was a very fun time for me and my daughters. Enjoy it.

I had some bleeding in my gums while brushing. Could it be serious?

Usually, bleeding gums are a sign that something is going on. Almost like a built-in barometer, our body has a way of letting us know. Unfortunately, gum disease is silent and READ MORE
Usually, bleeding gums are a sign that something is going on. Almost like a built-in barometer, our body has a way of letting us know. Unfortunately, gum disease is silent and the only way to know that it is even happening is with the presence of bleeding, shifting of teeth, or bad breath. See your family dentist to rule out any potential problems.

Loose tooth

Your tooth is attached to your bone with ligaments. When trauma occurs, the ligaments move the tooth back to its original position, however they are stretched out and can be sore READ MORE
Your tooth is attached to your bone with ligaments. When trauma occurs, the ligaments move the tooth back to its original position, however they are stretched out and can be sore for many days. It would be best for you to see your dentist and have an x-ray taken to rule out any root fractures or trauma to the never of the tooth.

What calcium supplements do you recommend for my son's calcium deficiency?

As part of your pursuit to figure out how to handle your son's calcium deficiency, I would start supplementing calcium. If your are going to spend money on supplements, the calcium READ MORE
As part of your pursuit to figure out how to handle your son's calcium deficiency, I would start supplementing calcium. If your are going to spend money on supplements, the calcium and vitamin D is most important for teeth and gum health. Vitamin D helps us absorb the calcium.

Yummi Bears has a vegetarian calcium for kids, with D3, that is allergen, gluten, gelatin, and dairy-free. The only downside is that it calls for 3 bears a day. Please make sure to brush after taking the vitamins.

In addition to supplements, I try to make sure your kids drink calcium-fortified, unsweetened almond milk daily. Also make sure your kids get leafy greens like spinach and kale which help their diet be more well rounded. Broccoli is also another green vegetable that you can choose from.

Does clove oil really work in easing tooth pain?

First of all, I am so sorry you are in pain. Yes, you are correct that we use clove oil in some of the medicaments that we have here in the office. But, having said that, they READ MORE
First of all, I am so sorry you are in pain. Yes, you are correct that we use clove oil in some of the medicaments that we have here in the office. But, having said that, they are an adjunct to treatment. Not to be used by itself. You will not get relief from placing clove oil directly on the tooth or the gums associated with this tooth. I suggest that you see a dentist, ASAP and have the problem diagnosed.