11 Secrets to Embrace Age with Vitality, Optimal Health, and Happiness

11 Secrets to Embrace Age with Vitality, Optimal Health, and Happiness
Julie Doherty Naturopathic Physician Mount Gambier, South Australia

My Commitment and Dedication - Is to provide Evidence Based Guidance and Support that will enable you to Build a Firm Foundation to Master a Life of Optimal Health, Happiness, Vitality and the Best Quality. Beginning with the Key Essence to Build a Brilliant Mind. How Fuelling your mind to positive changes, understanding... more

I have some excellent news for Australian men and women around the concept of aging.

Each year millions of Australian men and women move into their senior (golden) years.

I am going to reveal to you how these can be your happiest, healthiest, and most rewarding years.

I want to share with you that even if you are in the age bracket where this may seem a long way away, you can have not just a long life, but one of great energy, vitality and happiness.

Often you will see young people enjoying high energy, optimal physical condition and that almost naïve optimism to life. Are the young generations of today as happy about their future, their dreams, and their goals as previous generations? Research is showing that for the majority of people, happiness, along with improved health, energy and vitalitym increases as they age.

For the senior people in society that have worked hard, raised families, participated in society, and developed strong, healthy relationships, it has become apparent that they are now enjoying a life of inner harmony, contentment and satisfaction. That lightens their steps into the future of growing older.

I feel that I am a living example of that, having been passionate and eager to learn about the concepts of aging well. Now in my 60s, my life is fulfilling, exciting, rewarding, and improving as each year passes. I have found that with age there is no reason to stop learning, growing, and becoming even more in love with life. In fact, I seem to be more in love with life and the people whom I share my life with each passing moment, giving that deep foundation for happiness.

With each stage of life comes heartache, pain, enlightenment, joy, and blessings. These are the very foundations that develop a deeper understanding of life and the path that follows. There is a slowing down with age, taking time to reflect to fine-tune the life lessons and skills that have been learned along the way. There comes a deeper understanding and knowledge that allows you to be more compassionate and forgiving for others and yourself.

The 11 secrets for aging with vitality, optimal health, and happiness:

  1. Forgive and accept yourself: Everyone makes mistakes. It is all about being human. Understand these mistakes, learn from them, and allow them to help you grow into the wonderful person that you were born to be!
  2. Allow happiness to grow: Change your perspective to appreciate every moment. With the understanding that without pain you never know the experience of true joy; without sorrow you may never know true happiness; without loss you may never appreciate what you truly have.
  3. Clear your mind and release your heart: Step into the future with an open mind to the joy that you can and will experience: Open your heart, allowing yourself to love and be loved.
  4. Love and appreciate yourself: Release negative thoughts about yourself, allowing thoughts of gratitude and love to come in. Don't allow thoughts of criticism or doubt. Love and appreciate each stage of your life.
  5. Embrace wisdom: Each day life will hand you a set of circumstances, some that you will have a certain amount of control and some that you will not be able to control. The secret here is understanding the difference. Then taking control of the things you can with regular routines, patterns, and activities.
  6. Care for you: Take care of your health by embracing healthy fresh foods, having a regular exercise routine of say walking for 1 hour a day, allowing yourself to heal from past hurts by deep breathing, shedding some tears and understanding that this is all very normal. It is now time to move on to happier times. Never stop learning!
  7. Be gentle to yourself: There will be times of great difficulty, loss and pain. It is during these times that it is important to treat yourself gently and with kindness. Allow the feelings to come in and then to pass. These are times when buying yourself some flowers, being tranquil by the beach or water or in nature, watching your favorite movie or listening to your favorite music are all positive ways that will help you heal through these times.
  8. Face your fears: More often than not, the thought of either losing someone or something is greater than the actual loss. The fear of doing something new or different is greater than the actual doing it. By facing these fears, understanding them helps you to become less fearful. It also helps with building your self confidence and self esteem.
  9. Share your life's experiences: Your life's journey has brought about many experiences of change, loss, grief, happiness, dreams and fears. Sharing these experiences with trusted friends who you know aren't going to judge you makes these experiences easier to live with, knowing that you aren't alone. Remain social and connect with people of all ages.
  10. Remember your strength and resilience: You are stronger and more resilient than you think or give yourself credit for. The deepest heartaches, when you work through them with clarity and understanding, will often be the most strengthening and exhilarating of your life. Rebuilding your life or making changes to significant parts that just aren't working may be your most difficult challenges, but will remind you of just how capable you truly are.
  11. Live with joy, not regret: Don't live with regret for the things that you haven't done. Live with joy for the things you have yet to do. You have chosen your path and the things you wanted or didn't want to do. It is important for you to believe that that was right for you. Don't compare yourself to others or their lives. Get in touch with your life – How you want to be and what you want to do! Because if you are happy with your life, chances are that those around you will be happy for you, too.

"Growing older need not be a cross to bear, but switching the light inside of you to shine"

Learn More about the concepts of Ageless Aging with Julie's Book: Optimal Health the Key to Ageless Aging