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Dr. Jennifer K. Lynch, MD


Dr. Jennifer Lynch practices Neuropathology in Springfield, Missouri. Dr. Lynch studies, evaluates, diagnoses, and treats conditions that affect the nervous system. Neuropathologists are trained to fully understand and treat such conditions as Alzheimers disease and Parkinsons disease.
29 years Experience
Dr. Jennifer K. Lynch, MD
  • Springfield, Missouri
  • University of Wales in Great Britain
  • Accepting new patients

What could be causing my migraines?

There are great number of causes of migraines. Family history is a huge cause, triggers include stress, too little or too much sleep, menstrual periods, musculoskeletal pain, alcohol READ MORE
There are great number of causes of migraines. Family history is a huge cause, triggers include stress, too little or too much sleep, menstrual periods, musculoskeletal pain, alcohol (especially red wine and fermented beverages such as beer), aged cheeses, processed meats, and other foods rich in tyramine, bright or flashing lights (especially fluorescent or sun exposure), and a long list of other causes. For a several-day headache (status migrainosus), often a steroid taper prescribed by your PCP may be helpful, occasionally trigger point injections, triptans, magnesium infusions, toradol with an anti-nausea medication, all of these can be helpful. Sometimes the pain itself ends up making people tense up, which can then put pressure on nerves and perpetuate the headache. Sometimes we have to do something to break the cycle.

Jennifer Lynch MD, FABSM, Sleep and Epilepsy

I have a headache and eye pain, what could it be?

There is a fairly long list of possibilities, ranging from migraine on up. I would recommend that you see a doctor about this. You don't mention if vision is blurry on that side READ MORE
There is a fairly long list of possibilities, ranging from migraine on up. I would recommend that you see a doctor about this. You don't mention if vision is blurry on that side or not, but if present that would sound more like optic neuritis. A severe headache can cause pain in the eye. You don't mention if there is double vision because the left eye doesn't move as well, but that can indicate that control of the eye muscle is affected. The problem can be a headache, a problem in the eye or tissues around it, in the optic nerve, or the nerves that control eye muscles.

Jennifer Lynch MD, FABSM

Why do my hands shake?

This can be essential tremor, especially since both your hands shake. Caffeine or anxiety are other common causes. If it is essential tremor, it is not affected by hydration, but READ MORE
This can be essential tremor, especially since both your hands shake. Caffeine or anxiety are other common causes. If it is essential tremor, it is not affected by hydration, but there are medications that can help, including lipid-soluble beta-blockers and primidone, a type of seizure medication. While this is very often genetic, it can arise in new generations, but then you would have a 50% chance of passing it to your kids. While you have developed this at a young age, it usually develops in older adults and either your parents or your children may develop it at a different age.

Jennifer Lynch MD, FABSM