COVID Isn't The Only Menace

Dr. Claudewell S. Thomas Psychiatrist Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

Claudewell S. Thomas, MD, MPH, DLFAPA, is an established psychiatrist who is currently retired ,, He received his medical degree in 1956 at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine and specializes in social psychiatry, public health psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry. Dr. Thomas was board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry... more

I had speculated on a previous text that omicron represents an increased infectivity with a modified downward severity for a time. BA4 & BA5 has increased infectivity and severity proving itself a better player in the game of death then me. An increased cost of living, almost 10% since last month, the increase in gun and other violence and the identification of SOCUS as just another politician entity is jarring. The revoking of ROE vs WADE besides making women second class citizens ensures coat hanger morbidity and death for the poor and makes physician judgement and responsibility moot. From unnecessary COVID deaths to encouraged Russia aggression, the fingerprints of the executive on the outcome for America and the world are clear. While it is important to have a presence in the world forum, it is equally important to be able to assure Americans that their concerns are being heard and responded to. The bro handshake to an indicted former prime minister of Israel aside from being a violation of COVID protocol indicates a closeness to someone who may be a criminal and whose disputed leadership of liked can only be strengthened by a display of intimacy by the president of the United States. The world scene is important, but the domestic scene is quite critical. One cannot talk about unions and good union jobs in a country where 20 or more states have the right to work cause and where everyone has heard of Jimmy Hoffa John l Lewis and certainly Tony Soprano. Unions have also played the game of power to act as low-green and back-to-full strength can be the solution to America's problem is unwise and problematic but nowhere is the impact of an executive more important than in the assurance of adequate healthcare for all Americans and that means particular attention to the minorities visible and otherwise. Those who cannot work remotely, who must be on the front lines, travel and need the protection not only of adequate vaccines, but also of reasonable backup care should illnesses get out of hand. Positions need to be supported, not because they’re physicians, but because they represent known entities in the battle against disease. Obviously physician assistance nurse practitioners and various therapists are available in parts of the country which have less technological access also need support, this requires planning, it cannot be left to the goodwill of neighbors and charity as one major party seems to be insisting and so a presence and a domestic scene is required to represent those at risk, physical minorities, and women.