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Dr. Brian Pauling


Dr. Brian Pauling is a Chiropractor practicing in GALLOWAY, NJ. Dr. Pauling specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system, while improving each patients functionality and quality of life. Conditions treated include sciatica, neck pain, and arthritis pain, among many others. Dr. Pauling seeks to reduce pain and discomfort through manipulation and adjustment of the spine.
Dr. Brian Pauling
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Accepting new patients

How can a chiropractor help me treat my hip pain?

yes most chiropractors also treat extremities

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Can sleeping wrong cause shoulder blade pain?

10000 percent
dont sleep in that shoulder

Does lying on the floor straighten your back?

no but it supports your back in the right way to align your body

Can a chiropractor help with muscle pain?

yeah muscle pain is usually the start to a deeper issue like mis alignments of you spine..
pain, swelling, muscle spasms and temperature changes are all signs of a bad back

How do you stretch out a stiff back?

williams flexion exercises

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upper back pain

You should probably get and exam and an exam ... you might have caused a small dislocation in you back

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Is it bad to crack your back every day?

yes you need stability in your back

What problems can a tilted pelvis cause?

weak core ad glutes, tight back and hamstrings

Can you go to a chiropractor once?

Yeah its like going to the gym you can go once but it helps to make it a habit.

Why does my upper back hurt between my shoulder blades?

forward rounding of your shoulders is pulling on your upper back

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Is a chiropractor best for neck pain?

It is one of the best treatments for neck pain that does not involve drugs.

Is it bad to crack your back by twisting?

usually, you should not try to put to much force into your back. chiropractors only use 10 lbs of pressure

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When should you not see a chiropractor?

If you have a broken bone, metal in your back, history of stroke

What can a chiropractor do for my back?

A lot decrease pain, increase range of motion, stabilize the back, and strengthen it

What massage therapy is best for shoulder pain?

Active release therapy or deep tissue or cupping or Graston

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Can a neck adjustment help vertigo?

Yes inner ear adjustments allow the body to relieve tension... no promises but i have helped this condition

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How should I sleep with a pulled leg muscle?


Why do you sleep better after seeing a chiropractor?

You body is circulating better and there is less pain

What is the best treatment for hip pain?

Chiropractic care is a great option, physical therapy or, massage,