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Dr. Anthony Gordon


Anthony Gordon is an acupuncturist practicing in SMITHTOWN, NY. Dr. Gordon evaluates and treats patients based on the concepts of oriental medicine. Acupuncturists complete their evaluations by getting a patient history and looking at and touching the body. Then, they place very fine acupuncture needles into specific points on the body. Stimulating these points and nerves is how Dr. Gordon treats the patients condition. Many of the bodys systems respond to acupuncture, and it can treat physical pain as well as emotional stress.
15 years Experience
Dr. Anthony Gordon
  • New York College HP
  • Accepting new patients

What does acupuncture do for headaches?

It stops or reduces them.

Can acupressure cure diseases?

Cure is a very legal word but can acupuncture reduce symptoms and greatly improve your health, absolutely!

Which is better acupuncture or acupressure?

It really depends on the case but acupuncture would affect the point stronger and deeper but that is not always necessary to achieve the desired result. An evaluation is needed READ MORE
It really depends on the case but acupuncture would affect the point stronger and deeper but that is not always necessary to achieve the desired result. An evaluation is needed to advise on what you need.

How are acupuncture needles removed from your ear?

Same as needles in the body, they are slowly pulled out painlessly.

What pressure point relieves stress?

LI 4, LV3, Yin Tang, Du 20 but points are not symptom based they are to treat the root cause of the problem which comes from TCM diagnosis. Those points will help most symptoms READ MORE
LI 4, LV3, Yin Tang, Du 20 but points are not symptom based they are to treat the root cause of the problem which comes from TCM diagnosis. Those points will help most symptoms though :)
Cheers, Dr. Anthony Gordon

Is acupressure good for neck pain?

Yes acupressure is great for neck pain!

What are the pressure points in your foot?

There are dozens of pressure points on the foot between acupuncture points and reflexology points. You can find maps of them online.


Dr. Anthony Gordon :)

Can acupuncture help with ear problems?

Yes, depending on the condition and other factors that your provider will go over in an evaluation. Best, Dr. Anthony Gordon, DAc.

Does acupuncture help nausea?

There are a lot of excellent acupuncture points for nausea. It is worth a try. Best, Dr. Anthony Gordon

How many sessions of acupuncture do you need for knee pain?

Depends on the cause of pain and how well you respond to treatment. A full evaluation is recommended to be specific about your case. -Dr. Anthony Gordon

How long does it take for acupuncture to work for insomnia?

Depends on many factors like how long you have had it, is it falling asleep or staying asleep, possible causes, medical history. Some respond fast, and others slow.

How far do acupuncture needles go in?

Anywhere from .5mm to 60mm, depending on the condition, can be treated superficially like nerve conditions or deep like sciatica.

Dr. Anthony Gordon, DAc.

How many acupuncture treatments are needed for sciatica?

2-6 treatments depending on evaluation - Dr. Gordon

How often should I get acupuncture for panic attacks?

Initially 2x per week for a few weeks depending on severity. An evaluation is required to be more specific. -Best, Dr. Gordon

Can acupuncture help with energy levels?

Yes, very much so, and in only a few treatments, too!

Can acupuncture help panic attacks?

Acupuncture is very helpful for balancing mood, emotions and triggers causing panic attacks. Acupuncture is worth a try. Start with 1-2 times per week for 3 weeks to see improvement. READ MORE
Acupuncture is very helpful for balancing mood, emotions and triggers causing panic attacks. Acupuncture is worth a try. Start with 1-2 times per week for 3 weeks to see improvement. -Dr. Gordon

Can acupuncture cause miscarriage in early pregnancy?

While there are points not to use during pregnancy in reality it is highly unlikely that a miscarriage would occur the safe way acupuncture is practiced in America even if those READ MORE
While there are points not to use during pregnancy in reality it is highly unlikely that a miscarriage would occur the safe way acupuncture is practiced in America even if those points were used. On top of that acupuncture is taught from day one what points should only be used for early pregnancy. What makes acupuncture amazing is that it is one of a few therapies allowed during pregnancy and revered for treating infertility.

Dr. Anthony Gordon DAc.

Can acupuncture help a chronic cough?

In many cases acupuncture can help with a chronic cough. Your provider will evaluate your case and will be able to assess if acupuncture can help you.

Can acupuncture help lung problems?

In my experience, acupuncture has been very effective for lung and respiratory conditions. It would be worth getting a consultation to see if acupuncture would help your condition READ MORE
In my experience, acupuncture has been very effective for lung and respiratory conditions. It would be worth getting a consultation to see if acupuncture would help your condition and symptoms.

Is acupuncture good for wrist pain?

Acupuncture is really effective for wrist pain and worth a try. Give acupuncture a few treatments and should see good improvement.