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Ms. Jean T. Donati


Jean Donati is a Physician Assistant and Licensed Acupuncturist practicing in Towson, MD. She has a master's in acupuncture which is required for Medicare to cover acupuncture. Jean's current approach to healthcare is holistic, emphasizing the patient's overall well-being. She recognizes that many factors affect health, including exercise, diet, rest, environment, and heredity. She practices whole-person health care and sees her clients as more than people coming to the office with a set of symptoms. Her vision encompasses the entire individual in all of his or her unique complexity, and she works in partnership with her clients to ensure optimal health and wellness in all facets of their lives.

Acupuncture focuses on maintaining optimum health naturally so that the body is better able to resist disease. Through identifying the root cause of your symptom or illness and then addressing the imbalance in a way that works naturally with your body, acupuncture seeks to restore optimum health so the body's natural healing mechanisms can take over. She would love to be your guide, working in partnership, as you take back your health and life.

32 years Experience
Ms. Jean T. Donati
Specializes in:
  • Acupuncturist
  • Towson, MD
  • Community College of Baltimore
  • Accepting new patients

Allergic Rhinitis? Try Acupuncture for Relief

For many sufferers of allergic rhinitis, there’s no need to hear a news report detailing the pollen count outside, as their runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes will let them know....

Acupuncture and Allergies Towson, MD

Research tells us that acupuncture has been beneficial in treating a variety of conditions including high blood pressure, stress and anxiety, and headaches, just to name a few....

The Benefits of Acupuncture and Heart Health

Every February romantics all over the world flock to the local flower shops and jewelry stores in search of the perfect bouquet or piece of jewelry to express their undying love....

Looking for a Different Way to Help you Feel Better?

Did you know that acupuncture can help with all types of physical and emotional conditions including back pain relief, stress, and infertility? Acupuncture focuses on maintaining...

Acupuncture and Arthritis

Arthritis is a common health problem in the U. S. According to The Arthritis Foundation, there are several main benefits to getting an acupuncture treatment, stress relief, better...

Auricular Acupuncture...With or Without Needles

Are you interested in the benefits of acupuncture but have a fear of needles?  Auricular acupuncture may be just what the doctor ordered. Auricular acupuncture is acupuncture that...

Veterans Find Relief with Acupuncture

Military veterans often return from service with a host of physical, mental, and emotional challenges related to their tours of duty. Rarely does a service member present with...

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Acupuncture

Acupuncture and Seasonal Affective Disorder SymptomsAcupuncture is known to be one of the cures to combat symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. SAD affects millions of Americans...

Talking About Immunity

Your immune system is your body's security system. It is the job of the immune system to deter foreign invaders like bacteria, parasites, and other microbe-causing infections....

Western & Eastern Medicine Treatment Approaches to Headaches

According to Eastern Medicine thought, there are many paths up a mountain. In this article, we will be discussing headaches and how both Eastern and Western medicine view headaches....

Six Ways Acupuncture Can Improve Women’s Health

Women’s health issues can be complex and unique to each person. However, traditional Western medicine solutions are full of invasive procedures that can alter hormones. Other...

Four Ways Acupuncture Can Improve Men’s Health

Some men might not consider acupuncture as a first resort when wanting a health reset, but acupuncture can be a great way to deal with some of the issues that come with getting...

Four Ways Acupuncture Can Improve Men’s Health

Some men might not consider acupuncture as a first resort when wanting a health reset, but acupuncture can be a great way to deal with some of the issues that come with getting...