Why is Interferential Current Therapy an Important Part of My Treatment?

Dr. Abigail Lynn Swank Chiropractor Cary, NC

For over 30 years, Dr Abbie Swank, Dr Parker Neill and Dr. Timothy Swank have been serving the people of Cary and surrounding areas. We offer affordable Spinal Decompression treatment for patients suffering from conditions relating to herniated and protruding discs, facet problems and more. You'll be pleased to discover... more

Historically, musculoskeletal injuries & complaints were addressed through the use of pain meds, anti-inflammatories & muscle relaxers. The belief was that by reducing inflammation & numbing the natural response to avoid painful movement, the patient could start moving sooner. This movement allowed muscles to stretch & joints to move, leading to normal function. However, although patients had more movement, the problem wasn’t necessarily fixed. A more effective approach involves the careful & direct restoration of normal movement through the use of specific chiropractic adjustments, coupled with targeted physiotherapy to address inflammation, pain, muscle spasms & most importantly, function.

By taking this approach, patients can more safely, effectively & efficiently recover from musculoskeletal injuries & problems. Interferential Current Therapy (IFT) is a state-of-the-art modality used by the doctors at Swank Chiropractic Sports Medicine. IFT addresses the soft tissue & physiological component of injuries & dysfunction. During treatment, small quantities of programmed specific electrical pulsations are sent to the damaged tissues in the body during treatment. It is superior to the TENS therapy when it comes to recovery from soft tissue injuries.

In fact, it is considered to be one of the best therapeutic forms of electrotherapy available. Interferential Current Therapy dramatically enhances the body’s healing & repair mechanisms by reducing pain & inflammation, increasing blood circulation, removing waste substances from the affected area, increasing metabolic rate, reducing edema, hematoma & ecchymosis (bruising), and stimulating & relaxing muscle. Swank Chiropractic Sports Medicine uses gentle spinal manipulation, state-of-the-art physiotherapy & exercise to restore normal biomechanics & flexibility to get rid of years of pain & tension. Discover why the right doctors, staff & facility make all the difference! For more than 30 years we continue to be the number one choice for conservative musculoskeletal care!