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Dr. Erin Seefeldt


Well-versed in the field of ophthalmology, Dr. Seefeldt is affiliated with Kaiser Permanente, practicing at Olympia Medical Center in Washington. She specializes in cataract and MIGS surgery and comprehensive clinical care. Her goal is to maintain and maximize vision today and throughout a patient’s life.
16 years Experience
Dr. Erin Seefeldt
  • Federal Way, WA
  • F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
  • Accepting new patients

Why do my eyes hurt 3 weeks after cataract surgery?

Go see your surgeon or eye doctor.

How long does it take for the redness to go away after LASIK?

The suction used to hold the eye still during LASIK laser can leave red marks. These go away just like a bruise for most people in 1-2 weeks.

What is the age limit for eye laser surgery?

There are many different types of laser eye surgery. LASIK and PRK do not have an upper age limit.=20

How do you wash your face after eye surgery?

It depends on the type of surgery. For LASIK or Cataract/RLE I recommend not getting any water in the eyes or soap for the first 72 hours.

Why is LASIK performed awake?

LASIK is performed awake to remove the risk of sedation and to allow the patient to fixate which ensures the treatment is centered. The procedure is fast, most laser treatments READ MORE
LASIK is performed awake to remove the risk of sedation and to allow the patient to fixate which ensures the treatment is centered. The procedure is fast, most laser treatments take only a few minutes and they do not hurt. So putting you to sleep increases the risk and does not improve results.

Can you get an eye infection from swimming?

Yes, water can carry many infectious organisms. These can lead to infection if the surface is injured or compromised in some way. Contact lenses increase the risk. Avoid water READ MORE
Yes, water can carry many infectious organisms. These can lead to infection if the surface is injured or compromised in some way. Contact lenses increase the risk. Avoid water as directed after surgery.

How much rest is needed after cataract surgery?

For standard uncomplicated surgery I recommend taking the day of surgery and following day with no scheduled work or activity. No exercise, bending, heavy lifting or sex for 1 READ MORE
For standard uncomplicated surgery I recommend taking the day of surgery and following day with no scheduled work or activity. No exercise, bending, heavy lifting or sex for 1 week. Certain lenses, types of surgery, and patients need longer.

Will I need reading glasses after cataract surgery?

You will need reading glasses after surgery unless you chose an implanted lens that includes near vision. Talk to your surgeon to make sure you know exactly what will be in focus READ MORE
You will need reading glasses after surgery unless you chose an implanted lens that includes near vision. Talk to your surgeon to make sure you know exactly what will be in focus without glasses on after surgery.

Can your eyes regress after Lasik?

LASIK reshapes the cornea on the front of the eye to correct your prescription. This treatment does not stop the natural aging of the eye which is mostly due to lens changes. So READ MORE
LASIK reshapes the cornea on the front of the eye to correct your prescription. This treatment does not stop the natural aging of the eye which is mostly due to lens changes. So you will still need glasses for reading starting around age 40 to 50. If your eye is getting longer throughout your life you will become more nearsighted again. In order to try to identify people who will quickly become nearsighted again after surgery, we review 2 years of glasses prescriptions to look for stability. If you prescription is changing going into surgery, it is likely to continue to change after surgery.

What is the best eye drops for tired eyes?

This depends on what tired means. For some people it means blurry or dry, in that case an over the counter artificial tear may help. If this doesn't help get checked for glasses. READ MORE
This depends on what tired means. For some people it means blurry or dry, in that case an over the counter artificial tear may help. If this doesn't help get checked for glasses. If tired means your eyelids are getting heavy you should see your eye doctor.

Does Lasik reduce eye pressure?

LASIK does not reduce the actual pressure in the eyes. However, it does thin the cornea. The tools we use to measure pressure are calibrated for a normal corneal thickness of about READ MORE
LASIK does not reduce the actual pressure in the eyes. However, it does thin the cornea. The tools we use to measure pressure are calibrated for a normal corneal thickness of about 540-550 microns. Because of this thinner corneas will read lower as a lower pressure and thicker corneas will read higher. Experience eye care doctors will know how to adjust for this.

Why do I see better with contacts than glasses?

Great question! The closer you move the correction to the focal point or nodal point, the more clearly you will see. Contacts place the correction closer to this point. Contacts READ MORE
Great question! The closer you move the correction to the focal point or nodal point, the more clearly you will see. Contacts place the correction closer to this point. Contacts also improve vision if you have any irregular astigmatism because the tear film fills in the irregularities and improves clarity. Make sure to wear your contacts as directed as over wear can lead to infections and scarring.

Can glaucoma progression be stopped?

For some patients, we are able to stop glaucoma procession. Other patients have very aggressive glaucoma which progresses in spite of the best efforts of the patient and physician. READ MORE
For some patients, we are able to stop glaucoma procession. Other patients have very aggressive glaucoma which progresses in spite of the best efforts of the patient and physician. The goal of pressure lowering drops, laser like SLT, and glaucoma surgery is to slow the rate of glaucoma progression. At age 39, slowing progression as much as possible is key, so make sure you are getting regular monitoring to check for progression and staying regular with taking eye drops. You can also ask your doctor about SLT. Managing glaucoma over your lifetime to preserve vision is reliant on a good patient and physician partnership so make sure you have a doctor who regularly manages glaucoma patients and who you enjoy working with.

Can you be under anesthesia during Lasik?

Most patients are given an oral tablet to reduce anxiety. Many LASIK centers are not staffed with an Anesthesia provider that would provide and monitor a higher level of anesthesia, READ MORE
Most patients are given an oral tablet to reduce anxiety. Many LASIK centers are not staffed with an Anesthesia provider that would provide and monitor a higher level of anesthesia, but some are.

Most patients, even anxious patients get through the treatment just fine with an oral relaxing tablet. The procedure is not painful and takes minutes.

How long is vision blurry after LASIK?

Everyone heals differently, but most people notice a big improvement in the first 48 hours and then continued improvement over the first several weeks. If you are near sighted READ MORE
Everyone heals differently, but most people notice a big improvement in the first 48 hours and then continued improvement over the first several weeks. If you are near sighted (see better up close without glasses or contacts) prior to surgery you will likely see clearly sooner. Make sure you follow all the post op instructions for best results.