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Sundas Idrees


Dr. Sundas Idrees is a dentist practicing in Herndon, VA. Dr. Idrees specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic and endodontic procedures, and performing examinations, among many others.
10 years Experience
Sundas Idrees
Specializes in:
  • Preventative Dentistry
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Oral surgery
  • Periodontal Disease
  • Invisalign
  • Herndon, VA
  • VCU School of Dentistry
  • Accepting new patients

I grind my teeth while I sleep. Should I get a mouth guard?


Yes, a night guard will help prevent you from grinding your teeth at night. This will help prevent any further damage your teeth.

Thank you for your question.

I never grew out of my buck teeth. What should I do?


Please consult a dental professional to help determine the best treatment for you. This could include braces or Invisalign.

Thank you for your question.

Which is better floss or floss picks?

Hello, floss is always better as it threads deeper into the gums. I would also advise to invest in a Waterpik because it does a wonderful job of flossing between the teeth and READ MORE
Hello, floss is always better as it threads deeper into the gums. I would also advise to invest in a Waterpik because it does a wonderful job of flossing between the teeth and it has various attachment heads that can work with crowns, braces, dentures etc. Thank you for your question.

Should I worry about lines on my teeth?

Hello, those are most likely stress lines from grinding or clenching. I would advise you to go to a dentist for an evaluation and possibly a night/day guard. Thank you for your READ MORE
Hello, those are most likely stress lines from grinding or clenching. I would advise you to go to a dentist for an evaluation and possibly a night/day guard. Thank you for your question.

Can you floss a crowned tooth?

Hello, yes you can floss a tooth with a crown. Please insert the floss in between the teeth and slide the floss through-do not pull or yank. Thank you for your question.

Does having braces strengthen your teeth?


They do not damage the teeth but they do straighten them. It corrects your bite as well. Thank you for your question.

Do crowns on front teeth look natural?


Yes, crowns on the front teeth can look natural. Dental labs puts in their best efforts to create crowns that looks as natural as possible.

How long does a root canal take?


It depends on the case. But it can be anywhere from one to two hours. Thank you for your question.

How long should a dental cleaning take for a child?

Hello, a dental cleaning for a child can take up to 30 minutes depending on the case. Please allow one hour for your appointment. Thank you for your question.

Should you wear a night guard every night?

Yes, this prevents you from grinding down on your teeth.
Thank you for your question.

Can you swallow your dentures in your sleep?

No, dentures are designed and made to fit into your mouth comfortably.

Does the dental hygienist clean your teeth?

Yes, the hygienist or the general dentist will clean your teeth. You can always call ahead and ask for a specific professional. Thank you for your question.

How can I make flossing easier?

Hello, you can always invest in a Waterpik. Waterpik makes flossing easier and convenient, you can check out their products online and see what fits your needs the best. Thank READ MORE
Hello, you can always invest in a Waterpik. Waterpik makes flossing easier and convenient, you can check out their products online and see what fits your needs the best. Thank you for your question.

How often should I get my braces checked?

Hello, I would advise you to consult your Orthodontist. Typically, braces are checked each month. Thank you for your question.

What is the best way to remove my wisdom teeth?

Hello, please consult your dentist or oral surgeon to understand the best method of extracting your wisdom teeth. Your provider would exam your teeth and your x-rays to understand READ MORE
Hello, please consult your dentist or oral surgeon to understand the best method of extracting your wisdom teeth. Your provider would exam your teeth and your x-rays to understand the angle your wisdom teeth are growing and how it is impacting your bite and other teeth. Thank you for your question.

Who do you see to get custom dentures?

Hello, your father can go see a general dentist that can evaluate him. The dentist will provide you with further instructions. Thank you for your question.

Is Invisalign painful to wear?

Hello, Invisalign is not painful to wear because your trays are made to fit your bite. However, they can be slightly uncomfortable and tight because they are positioning the teeth READ MORE
Hello, Invisalign is not painful to wear because your trays are made to fit your bite. However, they can be slightly uncomfortable and tight because they are positioning the teeth to be straightened. Thank you for your question.

I have trouble sleeping from tooth pain?

Hello, I recommend you to go and see a dental professional. Thank you for your question.

Is it too late to straighten my teeth?

Hello, It is never too late to straighten your teeth! We see patients of all ages. A beautiful, straight smile does not have an expiration date. Thank you for your question. READ MORE

It is never too late to straighten your teeth! We see patients of all ages. A beautiful, straight smile does not have an expiration date.
Thank you for your question.

I have nerve pain after my root canal?

Hello, I recommend you to go back to your dentist or endodontic for an examination. Thank you for your question.