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Lorelei K. Kalua

Dietitian-Nutritionist | Nutrition, Education

Lorelei Kalua C.H.C. C.H.N. practices Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition in Denver, CO. Lorelei Kalua has received an education on and advises people on matters of Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition, as both impact ultimate wellness. She has been providing consultation and guidance to individuals for the past 19 years in an effort to help them initiate restoration of health and to conquer their chronic symptoms, illness and disease. Lorelei Kalua is also the author of the upcoming book titled: You are Not what you Thought; 10 Proven Steps for Conquering Chronic Illness.

Nutritionists help patients choose the right things to eat, help them plan menus, and advise them on the health effects of certain foods. Nutritionists assess a patients current dietary habits and needs, educate them on healthy eating habits, follow up to ensure the menus are working, and write reports that document a patients progress. As a Holistic Nutritionist, Lorelei educates individuals on the 16 Natural Physiological Laws of Life, how and why the body makes illness and 10 proven steps to initiate health restoration. As a Health Coach with more than 25 years working in the fitness, health and wellness industry, Lorelei is experienced in utilizing safe methods for integration of movement, strengthening and impact activity to improve health restoration outcomes.

Lorelei Kalua has more than 24 years of experience working in direct patient care in a variety of departments within 4 different hospitals including: Emergency Room, Intensive Care, Cardiac/Stroke, Medical/Oncology, Neuro-joint-spine, Labor and Delivery, Day Surgery, Acute Care, Extended Care and Rehabilitation. Additionally, she has more than 35 years working in positive youth development as an acrobatic coach, sports coach, athletic coach, fitness coach, life-guard, youth center director, youth program advocate and physical educator. These two areas of experience offer her a unique perspective as a strong leader and advocate for helping individuals suffering from chronic illness. Her website is and she is still taking new clients when available.
Lorelei K. Kalua
  • Denver, CO
  • Accepting new patients

Is eating bananas good for your heart?

As with all foods, you can get too much of a good thing. However, if you are not eating bunches of bananas every day then depending on what you combine a banana with, then most READ MORE
As with all foods, you can get too much of a good thing. However, if you are not eating bunches of bananas every day then depending on what you combine a banana with, then most like yes, a banana is great for you. Especially immediately following a workout.

What foods cause acne?

Fast food causes acne for sure. Acne is the body working hard to eliminate toxins as your hormones change. By eliminating the toxins of processed foods you will help your body READ MORE
Fast food causes acne for sure. Acne is the body working hard to eliminate toxins as your hormones change. By eliminating the toxins of processed foods you will help your body eliminate the toxins through waste and urine instead of through your skin.

Is fish meat healthy?

Mostly depends on the fish, where they come from and if they have both scales and fins or if they are scavenger fish. (such as cat fish) If they are wild caught, they will most READ MORE
Mostly depends on the fish, where they come from and if they have both scales and fins or if they are scavenger fish. (such as cat fish) If they are wild caught, they will most likely be safer to eat than farm raised. And if they are not scavenger fish they will be safer because they excrete toxins instead of keep them in their tissue. However, eating fish everyday is not the best solution. A variety of protein is best, including spinach as a source of protein.

What is celiac disease?

Celiac diseas is simply your body protecting itself from infection. It searches out and destroys bacteria, viruses, and other substances that may be harmful. In the case of Celiac READ MORE
Celiac diseas is simply your body protecting itself from infection. It searches out and destroys bacteria, viruses, and other substances that may be harmful. In the case of Celiac disease your body is most likely reacting to the protein (gluten) in wheat. This happens because today's wheat has been genetically modified to have the same genetic code as roundup insecticide and weed killer spray. In addition to basically being roundup itself, the farming industry uses roundup on the wheat while it is growing. Thus, basically, your body is reacting to the poisons that are now in the wheat. This means, all flour products will be off limits to you. No bread, no pastries, cookies, cakes, cereal, pasta, breaded meats like chicken nuggets, no buns on your burgers or hot dogs, etc. Your body is working over time to eliminate the poisons in the food you eat that have wheat or flour products in them.

Are fruit smoothies good for your health?

YES! As long as you are not adding powders, sugar, or dairy to those smoothies.

Is celery juice good for my health?

Provided you are able to obtain truly ORGANIC celery. Otherwise celery is hit with many toxic sprays during it growth prior to hitting the grocery store. If you can grow it yourself, READ MORE
Provided you are able to obtain truly ORGANIC celery. Otherwise celery is hit with many toxic sprays during it growth prior to hitting the grocery store. If you can grow it yourself, that is always best.

Is fast food bad for my health?

YES!!!!! Fast food is very, very, very bad for your health!

Which diet is best for losing weight?

The healthiest diet you are willing to eat on a daily basis is always the best one. Try rearranging your food to mimic this: Fruit for breakfast followed by nuts and seeds an hour READ MORE
The healthiest diet you are willing to eat on a daily basis is always the best one. Try rearranging your food to mimic this: Fruit for breakfast followed by nuts and seeds an hour or two later. Then carbohydrates (rice, potatoes, or beans) with veggies drizzled with first cold pressed olive oil or cold pressed coconut oil after plating it. Then protein and veggies for dinner. Add fresh vegetable juicing once a day as a snack or an hour before bed (cabbage, spinach, kale apple and pear). You can get creative with that vegetable juice as you get comfortable with it.

Weight watchers or Nutrisystem?

Neither!!! The right "diet" for you is the healthiest foods that you are willing to eat.

What natural supplements can I take to boost my immune system?

Supplements are not natural! Food is natural. Raw juicing offers the very best source of immune support! Get a juicer (not a blender) and get creative with juicing. Or visit READ MORE
Supplements are not natural! Food is natural. Raw juicing offers the very best source of immune support! Get a juicer (not a blender) and get creative with juicing. Or visit your local fresh juicing bar (such as jamba juice). Eliminate coffee and all processes and/or fake sugars!

Does the South Beach diet work?

The very best diet is the healthiest diet that you are willing to eat. Keep in mind that the best nutrition comes from raw foods i.e. raw fruits and veggies. Eat your fruit at READ MORE
The very best diet is the healthiest diet that you are willing to eat. Keep in mind that the best nutrition comes from raw foods i.e. raw fruits and veggies. Eat your fruit at breakfast, your carbs with fat and veggies for lunch and your protein with veggies for dinner. Keep it simple and use the healthiest foods that you are willing to eat. That is the best diet.

What foods can I eat to gain weight in a healthy way?

Rice, Beans, Potatoes, Winter squash with veggies.

Help, I'm struggling with ceoliac disease.

There is an entire world of wonderful fruits and vegetables out there. Enjoy discovering them! No grains needed! Learn what they are and how to prepare them in a way that is most READ MORE
There is an entire world of wonderful fruits and vegetables out there. Enjoy discovering them! No grains needed! Learn what they are and how to prepare them in a way that is most gratifying to you (no breading or frying allowed).

Can someone live on a liquid diet for life?

Food is meant for many things. Nutrition to keep you alive is only one of those things. Real raw fresh food, chewed well, and thoroughly enjoyed will provide far more benefit READ MORE
Food is meant for many things. Nutrition to keep you alive is only one of those things. Real raw fresh food, chewed well, and thoroughly enjoyed will provide far more benefit than a meal replacement shake is even capable of.

Is fish oil good for heart health?

Heart health has many layers. It is not as simple as fish oil. Proper food combinations, best time of day for different foods and your personal food enjoyment is paramount for READ MORE
Heart health has many layers. It is not as simple as fish oil. Proper food combinations, best time of day for different foods and your personal food enjoyment is paramount for heart health. Not to mention movement and strength training.

Can fruit smoothies help weight control?

So controlling weight is more than fruit smoothies. It is first and foremost your mindset towards food, followed by healthy types of foods, followed by proper food combinations READ MORE
So controlling weight is more than fruit smoothies. It is first and foremost your mindset towards food, followed by healthy types of foods, followed by proper food combinations to ensure efficiency of digestion and uptake of nutrients from the food you enjoyed.

What are the worst foods for your heart?

STRESS! Negative thoughts and beliefs! And then all processed, refined, preserved, and additive laden foods are BAD for your heart! Raw, fresh, whole, and truly ORGANIC fruits READ MORE
STRESS! Negative thoughts and beliefs! And then all processed, refined, preserved, and additive laden foods are BAD for your heart! Raw, fresh, whole, and truly ORGANIC fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds are great for your heart, especially walnuts!

What foods should I eat to lose weight quick?

Fruit for breakfast, followed by nuts (walnuts, macadamia nuts) and seeds in about an hour or two. Then carbs and veggies (rice and veggies or potatoes and veggies for lunch with READ MORE
Fruit for breakfast, followed by nuts (walnuts, macadamia nuts) and seeds in about an hour or two. Then carbs and veggies (rice and veggies or potatoes and veggies for lunch with drizzle of cold pressed olive oil or cold pressed coconut oil). Then protein and veggies for dinner. NO sugar, NO fake sugar, NO coffee, and NO alcohol!

How do I measure net carbs?

Primarily, look at the food label and subtract fiber from carbohydrates. Then you can add the totals up and get your net carbs.

Do certain foods make my urine smell?

It's possible. Usually too much sugar or yeast will do that quickly.