Vein Disease in Men

Lena Anne Phlebology Edison, New Jersey

The Princeton Vascular Center is the first of its kind to have established a multi-specialty approach to spider and varicose vein disease. In bringing together board-certified experts in both vascular surgery and cardiovascular specialties, we have developed a unique model for vein treatment. This collaboration establishes... more

Vein Disease Affects Males too!

Many men underestimate the risks of having varicose veins. There are numerous reasons to consider your circulatory health when noticing varicose veins. Usually, a varicose vein doctor NJ is searched for by women as opposed to men. However, about 50 percent of men in the United States will develop varicose veins in their lifetime. This remains true for men suffering from varicose veins in NJ.

Unfortunately, varicose veins are more than a cosmetic imperfection, they can indicate an abnormality in your circulation. This can lead to skin discoloration, skin ulcers, bleeding, and a “heavy leg” sensation that can affect your everyday life. 

Why Do Men Develop Varicose Veins?

Veins in the lower extremities that suffer from high pressure from within are responsible for varicose veins. Blood will naturally pool into these veins due to gravity, resulting in high amounts of pressure within the veins. Eventually, these vein walls can become damaged from the constant pressure of venous insufficiency. This is associated with leg cramps, heaviness, and swelling, which should no longer be ignored not be ignored. Venous insufficiency occurs for a variety of reasons, including people for sit or stand for prolonged periods, obesity, aging, and most commonly, patients with a family history.

Is There a Difference Between Men and Women With Varicose Veins?

Venous insufficiency is a progressive disease which creates varicose or spider veins. Usually, women will notice the appearance of varicose veins before men. For men, noticing spider veins in the legs may not bother them as much. So, it’s important to be aware of the early signs of vein disease and preventing more serious complications. The diagnosis can only be made by a qualified vein doctor who specializes in ultrasound technology.

How To Prevent Varicose Veins?

Before you visit a vein center you can try these preventative measures at home:

  • Exercise every day for both your heart health and venous health
  • Wear compression stockings with at least 20-30 mmHg of compression
  • Avoid uncomfortable footwear when on your feet for hours
  • Elevate your legs when sitting for long periods of time
  • Change your sitting or standing position often

How to Treat Varicose Veins?

Recently, treatment for varicose veins has become extremely simple and safe due to many advances in the field. Instead of having invasive surgery, the newer options are minimally-invasive and do not require any downtime. In fact, many patients return to work the same day after a treatment session. Also, the procedures are covered by all major medical insurance and Medicare making varicose vein treatment cost reasonable.

When visiting a vein clinic NJ, you should only consider a board-certified vascular specialist who has formal venous training with vascular surgery and cardiovascular fellowships. To have a safe and effective varicose vein treatment requires the best varicose vein doctors in NJ.

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