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Peter Sangra

Adolescent Psychiatrist | Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Dr. Peter Sangra practices Child & Adolescent Psychiatry in Santa Teresa, NM. Dr. Sangra evaluates patients throughout childhood and adolescence using many different procedures, in order to determine what treatments must be carried out in order to properly assess their symptoms. Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists are trained and certified to administer psychotherapy, medication, and many other means of treatment. Dr. Sangra seeks to improve each patients quality of life.
12 years Experience
Peter Sangra
  • Santa Teresa, NM
  • American University of Antigua
  • Accepting new patients

What causes someone to develop bulimia?

First, talk to her about your concerns. Don’t be judgmental, since it is more common than we think. The most effective way in treating eating disorders is with family therapy, READ MORE
First, talk to her about your concerns. Don’t be judgmental, since it is more common than we think. The most effective way in treating eating disorders is with family therapy, so start with communication and built your relationship, and hopefully she can open up with you.

What causes a child to have imaginary friends?

I feel that the most common reason for older children to have imaginary friends is that there is a void and loneliness in life and they need a sense of companionship. Unless, they READ MORE
I feel that the most common reason for older children to have imaginary friends is that there is a void and loneliness in life and they need a sense of companionship. Unless, they have headaches and visual hallucinations, then they need a medical work-up.