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Wyntrea Cunningham

OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist)

Dr. Wyntrea Cunningham is an obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in Houston, Texas. Dr. Cunningham specializes in women's health, particularly the female reproductive system, pregnancy and childbirth. As an obstetrician-gynecologist, or OB-GYN, Dr. Cunningham can treat a number of health issues related to the vagina, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and breasts. Dr Cunningham can also treat women during pregnancy, labor, childbirth and the postpartum period. In this specialty, doctors focus on reproductive care from puberty through adulthood.
11 years Experience
Wyntrea Cunningham
  • Houston, Texas
  • Texas A&M College of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

About pregnancy?

Hello and thank you for your question. Nausea and vomiting typically improves by the 17th week of pregnancy, but in some unfortunate women, it may persist throughout the pregnancy. READ MORE
Hello and thank you for your question.
Nausea and vomiting typically improves by the 17th week of pregnancy, but in some unfortunate women, it may persist throughout the pregnancy.


Hello and thank you for your question. It is likely that when you say you were "treated for HPV" that the treatment entailed either cutting out, burning, or freezing the cells READ MORE
Hello and thank you for your question.

It is likely that when you say you were "treated for HPV" that the treatment entailed either cutting out, burning, or freezing the cells that harbored the HPV virus, and thus was able to rid you of HPV in that area. It is possible to have HPV in other parts of the body such as the mouth, anus, or throat, but we do not have any great screening test for this. I would suggest continuing to have your regular screenings as recommended by your doctor, and if you have any symptoms or new lesions appearing in other areas of the body, please schedule an appointment with your doctor to have them evaluated.

Do your feet get bigger during early pregnancy?


Thank you for your question. There are reports of women who do have to go up a size or half size shoe in pregnancy and even after.

Can PCOS go away?

The symptoms of PCOS can resolve over time, but the diagnosis is typically the diagnosis. If you no longer experience symptoms of PCOS, you can report a history of PCOS to your READ MORE
The symptoms of PCOS can resolve over time, but the diagnosis is typically the diagnosis. If you no longer experience symptoms of PCOS, you can report a history of PCOS to your providers. The most concerning issues regarding PCOS is anovulation and metabolic syndrome. These are things you want to address with your provider.

Dr. Cunningham

What causes nausea in late pregnancy?

Could be any number or reasons, and without getting too technical, it could be a symptom if pre-Eclampsia, could be related to reflux, could also just be your body’s response to READ MORE
Could be any number or reasons, and without getting too technical, it could be a symptom if pre-Eclampsia, could be related to reflux, could also just be your body’s response to pregnancy in the third trimester.

How do you know when the baby's head is down?

Thank you for your question. Many moms to be can feel when their baby turns head down. Additionally, one can feel kicks in their rib cage area or tops of their abdomen as opposed READ MORE
Thank you for your question. Many moms to be can feel when their baby turns head down. Additionally, one can feel kicks in their rib cage area or tops of their abdomen as opposed to other places. To be certain of the position of the baby, one could have an ultrasound.
Hope this helps and good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy.

Dr. Wyntrea Cunningham

What happens if you workout too soon after giving birth?

You may have more vaginal bleeding, you may be experience soreness, if you have an incision or wound the sutures may come apart, you may develop a hernia if you engage in the certain READ MORE
You may have more vaginal bleeding, you may be experience soreness, if you have an incision or wound the sutures may come apart, you may develop a hernia if you engage in the certain types of exercises, especially if your form is incorrect. In general, listen to your body and ease yourself back into working out. Be sure to have a good nutritional program or game plan onboard, as this helps, too.

Fertility after Desmond cyst removal?

Oh yes, fertility and conception is possible with just one ovary. All you need is one ovary and one Fallopian tube to have a baby. God gave us a redundant system. That left ovary READ MORE
Oh yes, fertility and conception is possible with just one ovary. All you need is one ovary and one Fallopian tube to have a baby. God gave us a redundant system. That left ovary is more than capable of getting you the baby you desire. The fact that you’re having regular menstrual cycles is also reassuring.
Best of luck to you.

What exercises help you dilate?

Honestly anything that puts pressure on the cervix. This couple range from simply walking, bouncing on a ball, Zumba, dancing. Pilates and yoga help with stretching and mindfulness READ MORE
Honestly anything that puts pressure on the cervix. This couple range from simply walking, bouncing on a ball, Zumba, dancing. Pilates and yoga help with stretching and mindfulness meditation and awareness of your body.

How do you self check your stomach during pregnancy?


Your doctor will begin measuring your abdomen around 20 weeks to follow the growth of your baby during your prenatal visits.

Is white discharge normal after pregnancy?

Vagina discharge can happen before, during and after pregnancy. If the discharge has an odor, is excessive or any changes outside of your personal normal please have your OB/GYN READ MORE
Vagina discharge can happen before, during and after pregnancy. If the discharge has an odor, is excessive or any changes outside of your personal normal please have your OB/GYN evaluate it.

Do veins show more in breasts when pregnant?

Yes this can happen in pregnancy.

What are signs of infection after having a baby?

Fever, chills, pain no longer controlled by your prescribed or over the counter pain medication, inability to keep foods down, loss of appetite, redness/warmth/drainage/foul smell READ MORE
Fever, chills, pain no longer controlled by your prescribed or over the counter pain medication, inability to keep foods down, loss of appetite, redness/warmth/drainage/foul smell at your incision, abdominal tenderness, foul smelling lochia, urinary frequency/urgency, pain with urination.

How long does it take for discharge to stop after giving birth?

It can take up to 4wks for some, and sometimes women may start their menstrual cycles during the postpartum period where there is no real break in lochia after delivery.

What kind of discharge is normal after birth?

After birth women can have lochia up to 4wks, which can be blood mixed with tissue. Blood can be bright red, dark red, brown in color.

About irregular blood lines?

I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I would see your gynecologist to rule out a vaginal infection as the basic pH of the bleeding during your period could have precipitated a vaginal READ MORE
I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I would see your gynecologist to rule out a vaginal infection as the basic pH of the bleeding during your period could have precipitated a vaginal infection if your vaginal pH was already basic before your period. I would also recommend taking probiotics to help support lactobacilli in your vagina

Can you take ADHD medication while pregnant?

When considering whether or not a medication can be taken in pregnancy, you must determine what category the medication falls in. Many of the ADHD medications are category C in READ MORE
When considering whether or not a medication can be taken in pregnancy, you must determine what category the medication falls in. Many of the ADHD medications are category C in pregnancy and they have amphetamines in them. Medications that are category C or any category for that matter one must weigh the benefits of taking the medication over the risks of not taking it. At the end of the day you have to make this decision for yourself and in doing so educate yourself on all the potential adverse reactions and be willing to accept those potential adverse reactions when deciding to take any medication pregnant or not. Also, medications may fall into one category during pregnancy but may fall into an entirely different category when breastfeeding, so you have to be aware of this too. Speak to your doctors (the one who prescribed the ADHD medication & your OB) about all medications you take and plan to take.

I think I have Trichomoniasis?

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection. It can be associated with vaginal discharge, vaginal irritation, vaginal odor, but in order to determine whether or not you READ MORE
Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection. It can be associated with vaginal discharge, vaginal irritation, vaginal odor, but in order to determine whether or not you have it, you need a vagina culture. Please see your provider to have your vaginal culture performed.

How soon after birth can I exercise?

As soon as you feel up to it. Exercising releases endorphins which also helps with overall mood and helps you begin to feel a since of normalcy again.