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Ronaldo Supena


Dr. Ronaldo Supena is an infectious disease specialist practicing in Detroit, MI. Dr. Supena specializes in infections that are difficult to diagnose or unresponsive to treatments, such as HIV or airborne infections from a foreign country. Infectious disease specialists usually work with conditions that are not treatable by a primary physician but it is important to keep contact with the primary physician in order to receive information about the patients history and for deciding which diagnostic tests are appropriate.
59 years Experience
Ronaldo Supena
  • Detroit, MI
  • University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
  • Accepting new patients

Covid vaccination?

Booster shot is recommended 8 months after the second shot; it is safe.


Ideally Covid vaccine should be administered 3 months after having had the Covid infection and should be safe.

With the Covid-19 scare, should I make this trip?

My advice is not to make this trip.

How long does a rabbis vaccine last?

It is implied that he had the rabies vaccine; should exposure to rabies is likely, then he should get booster dose on day 0 and day 3.

Covid-19 vaccine?

Your complaints may not be related to the vaccine.

Allergy to covid shot?

You can still get the Covid shot.

The best mask to wear?

You may wear the regular paper mask but double it and insert baby wipe in between.


It is safe for you to get the Covid vaccine.

Positive test after recovery?

You do not have to be retested. It is usually two weeks after the onset of the Covid if you want to be retested.

Tachycardia started by covid?

You may have the Long Covid; you may also need evaluation by a pulmonologist.

Loss of movement and language from meningitis.

No additional medicine is indicated; physical therapy is indicated.

Virus virulence?


HIV/AIDS: Candidiasis of esophagus?

HIV POSITIVE; HIV antibody could be too low;No; She is infectious towards sex partners. Yes

Cat bite?



Hardly any chance

Getting a second Covid vaccination?

There should not be any danger other than usual side effects. Perhaps a vaccine with a different mechanism, like mRNA vaccine.



How long does Lyme disease last?

Acute Lyme disease may last for few weeks and the chronic will last for a long time depends whether it causes rheumatologist or neurological complications. Antibiotic therapy READ MORE
Acute Lyme disease may last for few weeks and the chronic will last for a long time depends whether it causes rheumatologist or neurological complications. Antibiotic therapy with doxycycline, cephalosporins or other betalactam antibiotics.