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Dr. Shyamali Singhal, MD

Surgical Oncologist

Dr. Shyamali Singhal is a fellowship-trained surgical oncologist practicing in Mountain View for 16 years, CA. She is the Founding Medical Director of the Cancer Program at El Camino Hospital.  Dr. Singhal has expertise in treating patients with cancers of the breast, skin, GI tract, initial, recurrent and metastatic. She believes in multidisciplinary care, coordinating with the other oncology specialists to provide the best treatment options. Most patients find her clear, approachable and skilled.  In addition, she does take care of general surgery issues such as gallbladder disease, and diverticulitis.
27 years Experience
Dr. Shyamali Singhal, MD
  • Mountain View, CA
  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Yeshiva University
  • Accepting new patients

Is the colon biopsy procedure safe?

Yes it is safe and it can be curative if a premalignant polyp is removed